28 | the art of co-existence

Start from the beginning

If she's to believe the words floating about he apparently did throw a fit in her defense sometime during the days she was gone. Even walked out of practice before it even began, or something. Whispers like those tend to be exaggerated along the rumor mill and she hasn't asked him about it. He hasn't mentioned it either.

    It's nice to know he still has her back – in some twisted backwards way – even if he doesn't particularly wants her to see it. Nice to know that somewhere underneath the rough exterior he's still the same Luke she grew up with, her Luke. Though annoyed by his dramatic antics, she misses him too.

    A few days ago she tried asking Nic about the rumored spat but he'd only told her to talk to Luke. Considering she doesn't plan on talking to Luke until he talks to her, that wasn't much of a help.

Her phone buzzing with a notification jolts her out of her thoughts, immediately tensing as her gaze falls to the device where it lies screen down in the grass. She's not exactly in the mood to stumble upon yet another unpleasant unsolicited opinion of her life.

    Picking at the grass, tearing a green straw into two she notices him shift in his seat. Out of the corner of her eye she sees his gaze flicker between the phone and her, frowning as it buzzes again with the reminder.

"Do you want me to–?"

    Lifting her gaze she's met by a raised brow and he's already – though tentatively – reaching for her phone. She nods, heart picking up speed and she presses her teeth into her bottom lip to suppress the wave of nausea washing over her. Suddenly it's as though a breeze of wind has crept beneath her knitted sweater, prickling her warm skin with a slight chill.

"All clear," He says as he turns the screen towards him and a small breath of relief tingles her lips as he holds the phone out for her. "Just your treason buddy making sure you're okay,"

She chucks a slice of tomato having fallen out of her bagel his way as she takes the phone out of his hand.

"Would you stop wasting your food?"

She shrugs, flickering her gaze between him and the screen. Regarding her, he rolls his lips together as if he wants to say something else but then his own phone sounds with a text message – having her grow tense yet again but she relaxes as the same text shows on her own screen a mere millisecond later.

'nic and his inferiors'

Lea: get a move on or you'll both be late

Lea: this does NOT count as me speaking to you by the way


    They're barely halfway into the second quarter of the East-West football game and so far this is one complete shit show.

Though technically an unofficial game – played as part of the tournament held between the two schools throughout the year – it's just as important to the town of Acebridge, another pillar upholding the never-ending tradition of rivalry and competition. So important in fact, that even on this rather chilly Thursday night the stands lining Acebridge West's football field are crowded – voices already hoarse from attempting to cheer either team into pulling themselves together enough to play decently.

    Next to her, Lea lets out a frustrated sigh and sinks into a seat. "I'm beginning to think we're never getting out of here,"

Avery holds back a sigh of her own, staring out at the field where yet another penalty is handed out, lengthening the game they all seem to wish would be over and done with already. Lea dusts her hands together before digging into the front pocket of her hoodie, bringing out a bag of M&Ms.

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