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To those who wears eyes glasses

Either concave or convex

I know you are all bored and depressed.

Suffering from headache

getting a new frame is a big deal

it feels like you're getting a new face instead.

People asking you shit like ;

can you see me?
can you count my fingers?
Can you read that?
can you ?can you?

mocking you and calling you all sought of names.

Dear universe

we can see

without glasses

we are not blind

it just get obscured.

Our biggest fear is trying to look for our glasses without glasses (paradox)

To those who wears
I want you glasses to know that wearing glasses is not the end of the world..

it's a way of saying I am strong and can overcome my fear...

wear your glasses with a smile on your face and show the world.

From a girl who also wears glasses


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