*Sabrina jumps on the trampoline and flips through the air. Star and You bursts into the gym. This destracts the spirit boys and Sabrina hits the ground.*

(Time skip brought to you by Brittney being annoying.)

"You guys ready to be part of our kitty cat offense?" Star said to four cats the two of you found in a dumpster. They meow.

"Ugh, fine. Then I guess we gotta do this the hard way. Star says, jumping in the dumpster, you step back a bit."

*The dumpster shakes and rattles as garbage is thrown everywhere and the stray cats hiss.*

"I got you now!" Star yells.

*The dumpster's lid closes, and magic bursts escape from the gaps.*

(Tem skip) ('Tem' was Intentional)

"Hi Marco!" You say. Marco opens the window blinds, seeing you hanging off a powerline, holding a squirrel in your hand by it's tail.

"Do you have any highly flammable liquid?" You ask.

"I don't know. Check the garage." He says.

"Cool, thanks!" You say, and you drop down from the powerline, holding on to the squirrel. Star catches you and you go to the garage.

(One-Before-Last time skip for this chapter.)

*On the field, the Warriors warm up for the game. One of them cracks his neck and laughs. The Opossums watch in fear, and one of them faints. Marco, Ferguson, and Alfonzo stand next to the bleachers. Marco "protects" Ferguson as a little girl runs past.*

"It's almost game time, and thanks to me, no Warriors have even gotten close to you." Marco says to Ferguson.

*Star  and You appear behind Marco and Ferguson dressed in armor, Star holding a spiked mace and you holding a battleaxe.*

"Who's ready for a bloody, bloody bloodbath?" Star says. Both You and Star laugh maniacally.

"What's with that crazy look in your eyes?" Marco says.

"What do you mean?" You say, with red, bloodshot eyes.

"Ferguson, I need to talk to "Princess Cuckoo Pants" and her crazy friend."

*Marco pulls You and Star away, two warriors appear and abduct Ferguson, who yells stranger danger and blows on his whistle.*

"Okay, Star, (Y/n), what are you up to?" Marco says.

"Exactly what you said." Star says.

"We booby-trapped the battlefield!" You say.

"WHAT?!?!" Marco yells, looking panicked. You and Star look at Marco in confusion.

"STAR! (Y/N)!... The Warriors weren't actually gonna kill our team! They were just gonna beat them in football! Which is a game!!!" Marco yells.

"Ohhhhh..." You and Star say in unison.

*The referee blows his whistle. The Warriors kick the ball during kickoff, setting off a landmine. The football lands in Justin's hands. He drops the ball, and the Opossums scatter about the field in fear. The crowds start to scatter. One of the Warriors is pulled into a blue vortex. Someone sets off another landmine and goes flying through the air. Star and You look at it worriedly, feeling guilty of what you two have done.*

"Oh, no. Everything's going according to plan." Star says.

"Things like these aren't supposed to go according to plan!" You say, panick written on your face.

*The referee blows his whistle again and trips over a tripwire. The end zone lifts up, and various creatures come out from underground, including a giant magical squirrel and three-eyed fire cats.*

"Let me guess, the kitty cat offense?" Marco says. You and Star nod.

*A giant squirrel chases one of the warriors.*

"We have to do something." Marco says.

(Final time skip brought to you by fighting fire cats with a battleaxe, nearly getting sucked in the vortex, and getting pulled out by Star.)

(After the fight.)

"We've really messed up." You and Star say. 

"I've really messed up too. I should've been watching out for you two." Marco says.

"Hey! Normally i'm not wreaking havoc! Don't act like i always do stuff like this!" You say, turning to Marco, puffing your cheeks and crossing your arms.

"Let's get outta here!" One of the warriors yells. 

*The warriors dash on their school bus, and quickly speed away.*

"Hey, they just forfeited. We win!" Justin says.

*The crowd cheers, and the Oppossums pick up You, Star, Marco and Ferguson.*

"Woo-hoo! Huh... Why do I have this weird feeling we're forgetting something?" You say, as a giant magical bird swoops down from the sky and snatches Marco, who starts screaming.

"That was it." Star said.

(AN: Well, here is another chaper! Sorry that it's short but i wanted to update fast since the last update was too long ago in my oppinion. The next chapter will be longer again. Either way, i hope you liked it, and thanks for your time!)

Time spent writing: 1 and a half hours.

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