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Kaminari's POV

I just sat there staring at the petal for what seemed like an eternity, until I snapped out of my trance. A bunch of thoughts came flooding in at once

'What the hell?'

'Is this magic or something?'

'Did I seriously just cough up a petal?'

'How did I choke on one petal-'

'Why is it red?'

'How'd this even happen?'

'Is this because of the flower I ate last week-'

I was trying to think of what it could be, but then I heard laughing on the other side of my door.

I slightly opened my door and peeked out, curious of who was laughing. Then I saw Kiri and Bakugou walking down the hall way. Stupid Bakugou.

But then I saw. Bakugou was actually smiling a little, appearing as he had fun with whatever they were doing and he was.. he was blushing. So was Kiri.

My heart sank when I noticed that. And then I felt sick again. I turned around, starting to choke again, and was coughing as hard as I could while gasping for air. I saw more of the crimson petals slowly fall out of my mouth as I coughed more, and then I finally stopped choking. 

I saw a small pile of the petals laying on the floor, but then I heard whispering outside and saw my door slowly creak open in the corner of my eye. Quickly shoving the petals under my bed, I saw Kiri walk in, with Bakugou trailing behind him.

"Kamibro are you okay? Bakugou and I heard coughing outside of your dorm."

"I'm fine.." I muttered, as Kiri approached me.

"You look pale." he said and put the back of his hand to my forehead. Blushing, I looked away from him, not wanting him to see my suddenly red face.

"I-I said i'm fine." I muttered again.

"Are you sure? You should at least get some rest, just in case you're sick." Kiri looked at me with a worried face.

"Even if I was sick, why would you care?" I regretted the moment I said those words seeing Kiri's look of shock on his face. He even looked a little hurt by that comment.

"Why wouldn't I care? You're my best bro Kami." He pulled me up and guided me to my bed. I laid down and he put my blanket on me, making sure I was comfortable.

"T-Thanks Kiri.."

"No prob Kamibro!"

I noticed Bakugou glaring at me, which was normal, except he looked angrier, as if he were somehow jealous. Odd. He was the one Kiri hung out with anyways, how could he be jealous.

Kiri gave me a small nod before he left and grabbed Bakugou's hand. Bakugou's face flushed red and the two walked out.

The moment after the door closed, I turned over to the side of my bed, and started coughing again, with there seeming to be more petals by the minute. As I coughed out more petals, tears welled up in my eyes, and they started to fall down to the floor along with the blood-covered petals.

Once it finally stopped, I turned to the other side of my bed, crying. The petals hurt, but not as badly as seeing Kiri with Bakugou did..

I'm sorry this chapter is so short I had no ideas ú-ù

But I hope y'all enjoyed :')

Aching Roses // A KiriKami Hanahaki Disease StoryWhere stories live. Discover now