Just Like A Brother...

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Kirishima's POV

After the final bell rang and school ended, I thought I would go find Bakubro. I could ask if he wanted to hang out with me, and maybe it'd be a chance for us to get closer. Knowing that Mina and Sero are supportive of my crush, it gave me more confidence in myself. 

While walking through the halls, I saw Kamibro in one of the classrooms. He was alone in there, and was just looking down at his desk. I was going to walk in to see if something was wrong, but then I saw Bakubro.

'It's probably nothing,' I thought as I ran after Bakubro.

Kaminari's POV

After the bell rang, I didn't move at all. I wanted to get up and walk out, but I didn't have the will to stand up. As everyone walked out, I still sat there in the soon-to-be empty classroom. Even the teacher had walked out and yet I was still sitting there.

While people were walking through the halls, I saw something in the corner of my eye, appearing to be red spiky hair.

'Kiri.." I thought. I was kind of happy that he came in here, as he usually just waits for me and Bakugou outside. 

Then I saw him disappear and heard his voice. 


I clenched my fists, honestly saddened by the fact that he left me to go find Bakugou. 

"we'll still always be best bros, right..?" I muttered to myself. I kept trying to brush away the rising feelings I might've had for Kiri, but I couldn't. I sniffed and blinked away the tears that had formed and finally stood up. I took my bag and walked out, heading outside.

Kirishima's POV

I finally caught up to Bakugou outside, at our usual meeting spot after school, and I breathed in a few times, thinking of my words. 

"Hey Bakubro!" I waved to him walking up beside him. He only grunted as a response and looked at me. 

I was still trying to gather what I was going to ask and was trying to think of where we could go. He looked at me questionably and muttered, "What do you want shitty hair."

"Oh, um, I was wondering if you wanted to head to the soba restaurant possibly?" I nervously said, pointing in the direction of the place.

As Bakubro was about to respond, I heard a voice behind us.

Kaminari's POV

"Can I come too?" I said, quickly walking over to the two.

'Us three hanging out, that would be fine, right-' I thought as Bakugou and Kiri looked at me.

"Um, I was thinking it could just be me and Bakubro, since you and I went together last time, y'know?-" 

When Kiri said those words, it hit me hard, like punch in the stomach.

"That's fine with you, right?" Kiri asked as I tried to utter out the words.

"Y-Yea.. Y-You two have f-fun.."

Kiri hugged me, making me feel even worse. "Thanks Kamibro! You're the best bro ever!"

Bakugou started to head off, but I saw Kiri still standing there. He watched until Bakugou seemed far enough and then he turned to me.

"Kamibro, there's something I need to tell you.."


"I trust you to not tell him this, so.."

I looked at Kiri, waiting to hear was he was going to say, and I wish I hadn't heard what he did.

"I-I like Bakubro.."

That time it felt like I had been punched in the face instead, and I managed to utter the words, "Y-Yea, y-you can trust me.." as I tried not to cry.

He hugged me one last time before running off after Bakugou, and then it hit me.

"We last went there together 3 months ago.." I mumbled to myself.

My tears forming again, I ran as fast as I could to Heights Alliance, feeling a little nauseous. I quickly ran into my dorm and slammed my door shut, throwing my bag to the side. As I slumped against my door and slid down to the floor, my tears started to stream down my face.

"H-He likes Bakugou.." I said, wiping my nose with the back of my hand. "But what did I expect, i'm 'just like a brother' to him..."

The feelings of nausea rising, I suddenly felt like I was choking on something, and leaned down, coughing. I closed my eyes, coughing and choking still, with my tears falling to the floor.

As I was finally able to breathe again, I took a few deep breaths, and opened my eyes. 

That's when I saw it. 

A single red petal on the floor.

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