Fuller nodded in agreement. He said, "let's put you behind a desk for the time being. We will figure this out. You've already taken the detective test, right?"

"Yeah," I said anxiously, my bouncing knee giving that indication. "I'm just waiting to hear for my results."

"Don't worry about it. Right now, I want you to go home and get some rest. You've earned it. If your results come in today, I'll give you a ring."

"Will do, Cap'n. Thank you," I said and stood up. I left his office and saw Joey was standing by the water fountain. Being nosy, he asked what happened.

Joey Penhall is Doug's younger brother, who basically took Doug's spot after he left Jump Street. Sometimes I accidentally call him Doug because they look so similar. But Joey has longer, almost blonde hair which is a great contrast to Doug's short dark hair.

I gave Joey the run down of my entire morning and he said, "shoot. Hopefully you get it figured out."

I sighed, "yeah, me too. I'll see you later, Joe."

"See you," he said.

I walked out to my car and began my drive home. I looked out the window as I drove, and it was hard for me to drive past the places that Tom and I used to go, because all I saw was the ghosts of our younger selves playing in the field with Swayze, or walking down the street hand in hand. It's been two long years since he left, and I wonder if I ever crossed Tom's mind, because he crosses mine all the time.

I finally got home and huddled on the couch with a blanket over myself. I turned the television on and contemplated what I wanted to do with my career. This was such a difficult decision I had to make for myself, and I didn't have the motivation to make it.

Swayze slowly climbed up onto the couch and laid his block-head down on my hip. I scratched behind his fluffy ears and he tried to lick my hand.

In a giddy little voice, I sang to Swayze as I always love to do. If he didn't love me unconditionally, he would probably hate it and get annoyed. But he was my little ball of sunshine, and I reminded him every day.

"You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away."

I got distracted by a glare that was attempting to blind me from a picture frame that was hanging from my wall. I tilted my head slightly so I was out of the glare and smiled to myself when I saw the picture. It was of me and Tom when we went on a hike right before he left. It was one of our last photos together. I wished we could relive those golden days. Now, those photographs are the only way I can hold him until our eyes meet. I won't ever let him go, all I can do now is wait for him to come home.

I stared at my landline, hoping that Tom would call. I know he is busy, but it seems like I call him much more than he calls me. I don't want to annoy him. We used to call all the time, but in the past few months it's been very scarce. We are always busy at different times, and we never get the timing right. A flashback of when he told me, "forever and always", flashed through my mind. It's been raining in my mind ever since he left, and I needed him.

I could still recall all the good times we had together. The loved we shared, as well as the fun and the laughter. I wished he could feel what my heart wanted him to know: I missed him, and I wish he was home with me. I could almost hear a knock at the door, and all I wanted was him to be on the other side. But if he loved me, why did he leave me?

If I looked at any corner of the apartment, I could see memories of us passing. I could still hear the sound of his laughter fill the air, like bells on Christmas morning. I longed for the touch of his hand holding mine.

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