The final battle

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"It's hawkmoth!"

It was now Monday and I had just gotten back to Paris and now this, perfect.

"Me and Alix are on our way ladybug!"

I saw her nod into the camera as me and Alix jumped across buildings.

"Do you think this is going to end well Kim?"

"Future Bunnix says so."

"How do you know that?"

"Brain power." I tapped one finger to my head and she rolled her eyes.

"Alright banana brain let's hurry they need our help."

I arrived at the battle scene and helped a bleeding cat noir up.

"Are you ok CN?" "Yeah *cough* I'm good! Just purrfect!!" I frowned at his sarcasm and leapt into battle next to him.

Scarlet moth was fighting the three heroes as I watched from above.

I noticed how he kept glancing to the right and I followed his glance and saw yellow. I leapt over in that direction and ended up face to face with Queen bee.


"Don't get in my way!" She reached for her spinning top but I stopped her with my words.

"Would Luka want this Chloe? You know he fights for good right? What would he think if he saw you like this? Fighting against the good guys?"

I saw her face soften in love and pain. I almost felt bad, I used to like this girl but then there was Alix....

"I don't want to hurt him!" She fell to her knees and tears streamed down her cheeks.

I knelt down to her level and set my hand on her shoulder.

"It's never to late to be good." I smiled down at her as she smiled up at me.

"So? Are you going to fight with me? Or against me?" I reached my hand out for her to shake and she stared at it.

She reached up and met mine. "I'm with you." I nodded and helped her up.

"You won't regret it Chloe, come on! Let's go beat Hawkmoth, for Luka."

"For Luka!"

We both jumped down to Hawkmoth and I immediately ran to Alix who was hurt while I yelled, "SHE'S WITH US!"

"Are you ok Tinkerbell?" Her eyelashes fluttered and her beautiful blue eyes stared into my gray ones.


"Yeah it's me Tink, let's get you out of here."

"But I have to help!"

"We've got more help Tink, I'll get you out of here and get a couple more recruits." She slowly nodded back to me and I dropped her off at my house stopping at Marinette's on the way to grab two miraculous.

After I dropped off Alix and made sure she was going to be ok I checked the ladyblog to see were Alya was and hoped Nino was with her.

Should have known she's right by the attack getting everything on camera. And she dragged Nino along, perfect.

I leapt off towards them and landed behind Nino and tapped his shoulder. I handed him the miraculous boxes and leapt in front of the camera waving in the bunny suit.

Alta looked surprised but Nino grinned as I jumped into the fight.

Cat noir looked badly injured and ladybug looked ready to fall over.

I struck scarlet moth with my umbrella and he fell to the ground. Cat noir tried to hold him down but he managed to pull him off.

Then every hero ladybug ever called upon 'showed up'.

The tricky part? Only two were real.

The real and fake heroes all surrounded scarlet moth and Rena swooped in from behind and pulled off the miraculous.

Gabriel fell to the ground and ladybug used her miraculous ladybug cure to heal everyone.

After Gabriel had been taken away to jail the cat and bug team and the fox and turtle team shared a kiss.

I smiled at the happy couples as I leapt off towards my house.

It was time for me to see my other half.


"We did it kitty, we finally stopped Hawkmoth." I leaned on my partners shoulder hoping to comfort him even tho I knew he was falling apart."

"Yeah I guess we did." He smiled at me with those beautiful green eyes. I think some people call it smeyezing?

"What's going to happen now buginette?"

I thought long and hard about that. What would happen next? What would happen to Adrien? Or Alix and Kim? Or our whole class? Would everyone be ok? Would ladybug and cat noir be a thing of the past? I had so many questions swirling in my brain that it took me awhile to respond.

"I don't know what's going to happen next kitty. But I do know it's you and me against the world right?" I held out my hand like he had when we battled Queen wasp awhile back.

"Always M'lady." He clasped his hand to mine and I pulled him in for a kiss.

Right now, I wouldn't change a thing.



"In here Kim!"

"Fluff counterclockwise." I walked through the hallway to the kitchen. Alix was making a sandwich, well two sandwiches. I was rlly hoping one of them was for me.

Alix greeted me with a knowing victory smirk.

"So I guess you heard, we won. We did it Tink, our miraculous troubles, their over." She smiled my way and nodded in agreement.

"So I heard Chloe's turned good, are you going to go see if you can score a date with her?"

I have to say I was a little shocked that Alix would say something like that. It may have taken me awhile to see it...ok a longgggggg time but she was the only one for me.

I wrapped my arms around her petite waist and set my head down on her shoulder.

"Why would I do that? When I've got all I've ever wanted and needed right here, making me food."

She scoffed at that.

"Who said this was for you?"

"Whichever way you look at it that camping trip changed how all the classmates in my class looked at each other."

"Yeah mini me and kitty noir seen to have taken care of it."

"Nah, LB this time it was mini me and prince monkey."

"Alright Bunnix I think your right on this one, this was your story, not mine."

I nudged my friend in the shoulder as we walked out of her time burrow laughing.


So you guys, it's done! This is the end, or is it? I'm going to make a sequel but I haven't entirely decided how to do it yet so I'll let you know when I get it figured out. But for now who wants a sneak peak?


"Well since he couldn't do it, maybe I can. It's a good thing I found this, isn't it? Looks like the bug and cat team weren't that careful about making sure a fox didn't snatch it. Nooroo dark wings rise!"

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