Ghost stories anyone?

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I sat around the campfire waiting for the class to get here.

Everyone had decided to meet up at our campsite for s'mores and ghost stories. So I was enjoying my supper before they got here.

"Hey Kim!" "Yeah short stack? I bet if you leave that tent pole on the ground like that one of the girls will comment on it!"

"Oh yeah?" "Yeah! Well I bet if we leave it on the ground one of the boys will comment on it!!"

We were practically growling in each other's faces. Just like that one time that Max pushed us apart. "Usual stakes?" "You bet!"

I smirked at him knowing Mylene if Marinette wouldn't let me down.

Then suddenly everyone arrived. And they seeing me and Kim so close. Thought the worse. Oh no. Just why.

"Aww do the two lovebirds need some alone time?" Alya smirked and we both glared at her the blush clear on our faces.

"That's not what happened Alya and you know it!" "Sure Alix whatever you say."

I face palmed and gave up knowing they wouldn't believe me. I heard several "of their so cute" "aww" and "are they dating?"

I did the fake gagging thing and turned around and chucked a bag of marshmallows at the group.

"Think fast!!" In the end everyone was a toppled mess with the marshmallow bag laying on top of Adrien's head.

Me and Kim busted out laughing and high fived. "Payback!!!"

We both yelled and sat around the fire looking pretty pleased with ourselves but I knew Alya wouldn't ever drop this so in other words my life was over.

After everyone sat down and grabbed marshmallows Adrien started with a ghost story.

"Long ago, ok it wasn't that long it was like five years ago while my mom was on a trip and my dad was working and I was alone in the house."

"So I was bored and decided to get a snack."

"So I walked into the kitchen. And there was thing black flying cat like creature eating our Camembert!!"

The kids in the class that had or had had kwamis looked at Adrien suspiciously.

"Anyway so I tapped it and it turned around and the whole room started to shake. I ran out of there as fast as I could but man was that freaky."

Everyone looked interested but definitely not scared. Well except for Mylene.

Then Alya wanted to go. But that was short lived when Nino burnt himself and they both had to go back to their campsite.

I breathed a sigh of relief that she wouldn't be able to tease me. At least not tonight.

Everyone wanted me to go so I decided to tell them a new ghost story I've been saving for a special occasion.

"Once upon a time there were two girls. One dark and mysterious and the other bright and cheery." Rose and Juleka looked up and turned their attention to me.

Perfect I've got them sucked in.

"As different as they were they both loved monster hunting. So one day they were out looking for a shrill."

"What a shrill?" "This kind of shrill is a giant man eating beast with rows upon rows of dagger like teeth, claws the size of bears and skin thicker than a rhino. With terrifying wails and howls."

"The worst part is it was said to have a master. It's master was bad luck itself. If you found the shrill you would be cursed forever."

"But the two girls wouldn't believe the rumors and in October on Friday the 13th they entered the forest."

My tone jumped and so did everyone else who hasn't been paying attention. Namely Kim.

"They walked for hours upon hours turning over every stone and looking behind every tree. And then."

I paused for dramatic effect and everyone leaned in.

I screamed rlly dramatically in a rlly high voice.

Everyone jumped.

Mission accomplished.

"They heard a shrill scream and they followed the sound until they came upon a clearing with a symbol in the middle."

"The darker girl stepped on it and she turned into the shrill chasing down her supposed friend until she ripped her to shreds."

"Neither of them ever to be seen again."

Most of the girls were hugging their roommates and the ones who weren't were highly thinking about it.

I smirked and even Kim seemed a little shook. "Alix your story was way better than Adriens."

"That's just it Ivan."

"I'm not Alix."

I said in the most creepy voice possible. I ran my fingers over one eye making it look like I cut myself with claws and I had vampire teeth in and I quickly threw in contacts.

I growled lowly and looked up creepily and slunk over to Kim and breathed right in his face.

"I am the SHRILL!!"

Everyone screamed and I fell back laughing missing the fire by about a foot.

Everyone looked at me in surprise and I died all over again.

I popped out the vampire teeth and the contacts and wiped the makeup off my face.

Laughing the whole time. "Omgh your faces!"

"And especially Kim's face!!"

"Omgh I got you guys good!!"

"You got that on video right Mylene?" "Yup posting it now!" Ivan grabbed her phone only seconds to late. I heard a ding on my phone and a fist pumped into the air.

"Yes!!!!" As I watched the video I barreled over in laughter all over again but this time Kim joined me.

Strangely enough I was actually having a good time with Kim and it was just then that Marinette and Adrien said at the same time.

"Why is that tent pole there?"

And me and Kim looked at each other like, so who won?


Any thoughts guys? I had fun writing this chapter. Did you guys enjoy reading it? I hope so, I also hope you had an amazing day/night! Jesus loves you! ♥️

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