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I woke up to a metal chest underneath my ear, I look up to see a sleeping Golden Freddy under me. My cheeks lashed 50 shade of red as slowly got off him and looked around the dark room I've been stuck in for who knows how long now. As I moved to stand up I hear something move, I see Goldie sitting up next to me, "What are you doing up?" I could hear the drowsy, irritation in his voice. "Oh, sorry. Did I wake you, Goldie?" He gave a 'are you kidding me' look, "What do you think?" I chuckle nervously as I feel around testing cold wall until I feel a switch underneath my fingers. I switch it on and the whole room lights up, the realisation that there was a light swich in here, made me go crazy. I felt my left eye twitch, Goldie looked slightly confused "Did you know this was here?" I ask, a little pissed because of the remaining sleepiness in my eyes. He shook his head as the door began to shake with ferocious, scaring me, Goldie got up and teleported outside the door. I waited until I felt a hand go over my mouth and something knocked me over the head, making darkness overtake my vision. After what felt like forever, I finally seem to have my eyesight back and as I looked around the room I noticed my hands and legs tied up. As I started to thrash around, I hear footsteps starting to approach me, I quickly pretend to be knocked out as I hear some voices "What should we do with him?" a robotic female voice said, no doubt in my mind it was Chica and judging by the other shadow, she was with Bonnie. "I don't know. It was a shame that Golden Freddy had to betray us for The Security Guard. Freddy and Foxy said they were eager to get rid of him, I'll go get them now, you stay here with him." Chica said. "Alright." I heard his voice before I saw Chica's shadow go smaller until I hear the door shut, I look up to see Bonnie's red eyes staring down at my (E/C) eyes. He kneeled down in front of me and untied me, I looked at him with confusion as he helped me up and made a 'shh' motion with his mouth and finger. I nodded as he led me back to The Backstage Room, "Alright, listen, you'll be safe with Goldie in there and I blocked off all entrances in there so there's no other way to get in, alright?" he said with a cautious look on his face "Won't you get in trouble with helping me?" I ask as he smiled. "Don't worry about me. I'm dating the star after all and he's tough, I'll be fine." he said as he left.
(Fronnie is my favourite FNAF ship.)
(To those who care, I'm sorry for the slow update.)

GOLDEN FREDDY X MALE READER. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن