Chapter 5

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Amyra's POV

Sanju managed to get himself together, which is good. He and Nikki are also good, except for occasional petty fights, but they always resolve them. I'm very happy for them.

"Ready ayyava?" Sanju yells through the door.

"Are you ready?" Sanju yells through the door.

"One sec!" I shout back as I finish putting on the last  few touches of makeup.

"One sec!" I shout back as I finish putting on the last  few touches of makeup

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I open the door and walk out.

"Abba! Super e." Lalitha complements.

"Wow! Super dude." Lalitha complements me.

"Thanks." I say with a smile.

"Amazing!" Nikki says, giving me a hug.

I return the hug and thank her.

"Happy birthday!" I wish her.

"Thanks Amyra!" she says.

"You look amazing too!" I add the complement. She honestly does look awesome.

 She honestly does look awesome

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"Thanks." she says.

"Veldama leda ikkade undama?" Sanju asks, annoyed that no one complemented him.

"Lets go or stay here?" Sanju asks, annoyed that no one complemented him.

"Nuvvu kuda bane unnavu le ra." I tease.

"You look nice too dude." I tease.

He just rolls his eyes and sticks his tongue out at me before walking outside.

Today is Nikki's birthday and her father is throwing a party on the beach with her closest friends and family.


We have been here for about three hours, and Sanju was practically drunk. I didn't drink anything but Champagne, which I only drank a little bit of too. I'm not too much of an alcohol person, no matter what. Its a good thing too, considering I'm probably gonna have to drive back to the house.

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