Chapter 29 : The Same Person

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<Third Person POV>

Kogorou : No need to worry, Ogawa-san. It's just a regular old prank. I'm sure the other person just gets a kick out of sending you his money and old toys every month and seeing your confusion. There's nothing to be concerned about.

Ogawa : B-but.... I came here because I didn't know who the sender was.

Kogorou : Hmm, very well.... Oh yes, you said that the name and address of the sender were on the packages.

Ogawa : Yes, the same name and address every time. But this address doesn't exist and the name doesn't ring any bells.

Kogorou : Hmmm.... And if the address is fake, then the name must be fabricated as well. Then the only clue we have left whish was sent to you in the envelope along with the money, is this letter.

Kogorou said as he opens the letter and see it once again. Conan then quietly went behind the couch and climb on top of it looking at the letter from behind Kogorou shoulder.

Conan : Do you think maybe the sender is trying to buy something from Ogawa-san?

Conan said out of nowhere from behind Kogorou making all eyes to look at him. He then continues to talk.

Conan : There's no other way to read it that makes sense.

Kogorou : Mmm, you're right. Ogawa-san, is there anything that you own that might have an estimated value of 25 million yen?

Ogawa : I-I own nothing worth that much money....

Ogawa said, but then stop midsentence as he remembers something.

Ogawa : Now that you mention it, there's a painting that I inherited from my grandfather, hung in the hospital that I work at. I've heard that it's about, 20 million, but....

Kogorou : That's it!! The sender must want you to sell the painting to him!! And so, to get on your good side, he sent your son presents every month! No doubt about it!

Conan : Let's go see the painting at the hospital! We might be able to figure something out!

Kogorou : Is that all right with you?

Ogawa : Y-yes, I don't mind.

They then stood up one by one and head to the door to go to the Hospital not noticing Ran is looking at Conan suspiciously.


Kogorou : Man, this hospital is big....

Kogorou said as he looks around the hospital upon reaching there entering the building. You guys were walking through the almost crowded hallway to Ogawa's office. He and Ogawa were both holding a bag of toys in hand.

Ogawa : Yes. I was surprised too when I first came to work here three years ago. I was transferred from a small country clinic, you see....

As the five of you were walking to Ogawa's office, a nurse then calls out to Ogawa making the five of you to stop in your track and look at the nurse. The nurse is holding a pot of flower which then given to Ogawa.

Nurse : Ah, Ogawa-sensei, this arrived for you earlier, from a certain Tanaka-san

Ogawa : So, it came again this year....

Kogorou : Could this Tanaka be....

Ogawa : Yes, he is the sender. These flowers have also come for the last two years, but unlike the toys and money, they are only sending once a year. August 3rd is always the exact day these Morning-Glories always come.

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