You're So Annoying

Start from the beginning

"Trust me. I'll never let her go." Jason said firmly, looking over to her and staring intently, heavily impressed with the infectious presence she seemed to have. She was finally coming out of her shell.


The rest of the night went smoothly, they gave their farewells and Elizabeth had been deemed the crowd favorite by the numerous remarks made to Jason and her about her pleasant demeanor. Mark instigated her annoyance in the limo making a mention of their disappearance, and solidifying the fact that the Alpha would not be getting any when they reached the hotel, much to Jason's annoyance.

When they did get back to the hotel, Elizabeth quickly excused herself to bed and the two men sat around recapping the meeting and discussing their steps moving forward now that they have obtained the water facility at a more than reasonable agreement. Eventually, the conversation fading from business to casual conversation.

"So. Let me ask you something." Mark said with a smirk and eyebrow arch, Jason immediately getting annoyed as he knew Mark was about to be a smart ass. "When you followed her to the bathroom and then proceeded to fuck her brains out, was it your intention to make her more desirable?"

"She needed a reminder of whose mate she was." He said bluntly, with a glare over to Mark as he sipped at his scotch.

"Right. How dare she be beautiful and charming. The audacity of her, that jezebel." Mark said sarcastically with a grimace before he snickered.

"They were flirting with her right in front of my face, and she was enjoying it." Jason now with annoyance lining his tone.

"Correction, they were flirting with her behind your back and she was being polite. But it's whatever, I had nothing else to do tonight anyway and your little reminder means,  neither do you." Mark said with a shrug sipping at his own glass of scotch lazily reclining back in the seat and propping his legs up on the coffee table in front of them.

"I'm still going to get some tonight." Jason said back in complete confidence.

"You so sure of that, buddy?" Mark laughed in skepticism with a shake of his head.

"Absolutely." Jason said with a nod showing he was certain.

"And what makes you so sure of that?" Mark sat a little more upright with raised eyebrows with a smirk on his face like he couldn't just wait to hear what the Alphas plan was.

"Well seeing as I have already scheduled her to meet up with a Miss. Stacie Marie Decanteur from Indian Hills, Montana, tomorrow at the Millenia Square Mall. I would say the odds are pretty high in my favor." Jason said with a smug smile and a wink in Marks direction whose eyebrows dropped at the mention of the red head and he bitterly glared off to the side. "Sorry to say, but at least one of us is getting their dick wet." He emitted a laugh from the base of his throat as he looked at Marks angry dejection.

"I want that fucking number." Mark said in clear irritation, he was hoping that Jason would find something with his paranoid nit-picky tendencies that would solidify him in obtaining it.

"She's off limits." Jason said clearly, wanting this endeavor to work out for Elizabeth's sake. "She came up squeaky clean. A reg, twenty-one years old, works as a waitress, no property owned and lives with her parents. Jacob double and triple checked."

"Well... so what I'm supposed to just stay here while you follow them around the mall and have girl time?" Bitterness still clearly dripping in his tone, being atypical for his usual laid back 'it is what it is' demeanor. This recent denial only making him want her more. "Couldn't have arranged for like a double date or something?"

"You and I will figure out something else to do." Mark looked over in shock as if he didn't hear him clearly. "Somewhere close by to the mall." He added quickly.  "I've already informed her unit to have them tailed from a distance as they do whatever the fuck it is women do. They'll ensure that they monitor the exits as a precaution." He said showing he thought about it meticulously. "I want to make sure she enjoys herself and this is the perfect opportunity for her to find a life out here. And make an unbiased friend." Jason said, again pointing out that he was doing this for Elizabeth, indicating that he had done some self reflection on his own actions which caused her to be isolated and withdraw.

"Well... what if I promise I won't fuck her?" Mark questioned rapidly trying to find his way into the scenario to which Jason just arched and eyebrow as if he highly doubted that he would follow through. "Seriously, I won't fuck her." His voice getting firmer.

"If you say you're not going to fuck her, then why are you so interested?" The alpha shook his head still not believing it. "Sometimes, you have to accept a loss." He said as if he lived by the words, which he absolutely did not.

"What about we meet for dinner, at least?" He further suggested, trying to still find an Avenue. Jason's interest was now outweighing his annoyance with Marks prodding.

"You really are desperate to get in between her legs." He said in slight shock.

"Dinner?" Mark said in annoyance.

"I'll fucking think about it." Jason said back with irritation not liking his tone.

"Thank you." Mark said with a roll of his eyes still sounding perturbed.

"Whiney little bitch." Jason muttered, earning a glare from the beta who then immediately looked away staring off in annoyance to the side as he sipped heavily at the scotch.

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