Part 6: I Need You

Start from the beginning

"It's only 4:00, how many drinkers could you have?"

"Five already this morning actually. Some were in just for lunch- but Rudy is my committed loyal customer who drinks me out of Whiskey every day of the week starting at 2 pm." Eyes widening at the statement, she shakes her head and takes him in. She notices that his hair is different than a few days ago- shorter on the sides and more kept. While his face sports some slight stubble and a goatee.

Honestly...I don't hate it.

He looks very...mature and....

Stop it!

"You cut your hair?" She comments and he removes his hat- which attracts her fingers to comb through it.

"Just a bit. It was getting a bit too shaggy. My Mum would've had an attack. Haha." Her fingers continue to play in his hair, and he just watches her from his bent neck view so she can reach the top. He had gotten a few inches taller than in school. He's now 5'9 leaving her only 5'5.

"It's so soft."

"Do you want it? Cause I don't think I can keep my neck bent forever like this." Pulling her hand away quickly, she goes flush and he smiles sweetly at her. "Alright, come on."

Taking off down the trail, she follows him and they get to the beautiful pagoda over looking the pond. Beside it on the slight hillside bank, there is sits a huge juniper tree that shades the whole area and under it a picnic blanket and basket.

Her heart flutters and stomach flips at the sight.

"Aw, that's so cute..." she says and Draco smiles.

"Yeah....that's not ours." He says and continues down the trail. Her heart aches and he gets partway down the trail and turns around. "I'm kidding. Go, go- before a goose takes it over."

Laughing, they make their way back to the blanket and he helps her down the hill in her black heels that poke into the grass with each step. Getting her onto the blanket, she removes her shoes and sits sideways on the hill, tucking her legs beside her. Draco sits down and opens the basket- taking out pumpkin juice, two glasses, a bowl of mixed fruit, two bagged sandwiches and two forks.

"You thought of everything." She quietly says to herself and every time she looks at him- she remembers why it was he captured her heart so long ago: Draco is a hidden gem- sweet and caring, but tough on the surface.

He's a white peacock.

Rare to find.

Common looking when they aren't putting on a display.

But secretly the most beautiful thing you'll ever be lucky to witness.

"Well, eat up. Isn't going to stay fresh all day." He says at her staring. Taking a fork from him, she pokes some cantaloupe and gingerly brows to bite it, but Draco stops her. "Hold up."

He says and she stops and looks at him confused.

"You're wearing white for some stupid reason. Here." Before she can say anything or object, he removes his black shirt and places it on her lap so the juices of the fruit don't drip and stain it.

She doesn't know if this was his plan all alone to show off his overly toned, but slender body- or if he really just forgot napkins: either way, she isn't complaining at his not so well hidden abs and defined, tight pectorals.

"Th...thank you..."

"No problem. Proceed." Biting into the fruit, it was a good thing he put his shirt there because a big drop of orange cantaloupe juice falls on his shirt. She looks at him and they both immediately start laughing.

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