London King's Cross

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It was almost 10am when she left the apartment. After a quick glance into the hallway, she ensured herself that she hasn't forgotten anything and exited the building.

Dressed in her dark brown coat and a scarf wound around her neck and shoulders, she made her way downtown, grabbing a cup of coffee at the local bakery, before heading to the station.

As soon as Elinor entered the huge hall where trains arrived and departed, the air felt thick and had potent smells of European station, vehicle exhaust, cluttered garbage, and the stench of urine. People hurried past her, stressfully keeping an eye on their watches as they passed by. Voices echoed from everywhere, ricocheted off the thick brick walls and lost themselves in the crowd that was gathered next to the rails.

Elinor was amidst the whole turmoil, searching for the right track, her luggage romping about after her. "The train arriving at Platform 9 is the 11:00 service to London King's Cross.", she heard the announcement of her train arriving and made her way to the said platform.

"Please stand back from the platform edge until the service has come to a stop at the platform.", a blast of air tousled her hair, causing her ponytail to stream behind her as the train arrived, slowly coming to a stop right in front of her.

The doors opened and Elinor entered, rummaging around the narrow aisles to search for her seat. She went past some families with children in their custody, clearly stressed out by the look of their faces. She chuckled slightly and made her way past them. When she finally got to her seat near the window, she settled herself on it and fetched an MP3 Player out of her pocket. The train started moving just as she plugged in her headphones.

Slowly, the many buildings and streets became fewer and fewer, clearing the view for a wonderful view of trees, rivers and isolated country houses. It was like a movie playing in front of her, all to the sound of Debussy's Claire de Lune. Elinor's hands rested on the table right in front of her, dancing in parallel to the ups and downs of the beautiful dynamics of the melody. She always loved playing the piano, not perfectly if you asked her of course, She hasn't got a chance to practice after all. The lack of money and the fact that she would disturb her whole neighborhood with her play made things a little more difficult. Elinor was never the kind of musician who would brag about her skills. On the contrary, she was rather insecure and much preferred to play alone and to herself.

Lost in the sight of the landscape rolling by, she rested her head against the cool window and slowly closed her eyes.


„Next stop London King's Cross", the sound of the uninflected announcement was what tore her out of sleep. She yawned, stretching her muscles a bit before slowly gathering all her stuff back together. After taking a quick glance at her watch that displayed 13:48, she looked outside, watching the train arriving at King's Cross. Then she realized, how could she know where to go? There was nothing mentioned of where she would meet Anna when she arrived...maybe she should head right to the theatre? Still occupied in thought she descended as the train came to a stop.

„Elinor!!! You can't imagine how relieved i am that you could come!!", She recognized the voice of her friend immediately. Anna was standing a few meters away, waving as she smiled at her old friend. She had blonde hair that she brought up in a high chignon, not a single tress hanging out of it, It was noticeable that she already got ready for her concert. Her dark coat was barely curtaining the long silk dress that she was wearing underneath. Paired with some worn out white sneakers, the view was rather odd. „How was your journey here?oh i still can't believe we get to see each other again,it's really been a while!"

Elinor smiled and ran towards her to clasp her in her arms. „I'm so happy to see you too! But next time you could give some more time to prepare myself.", she chuckled, releasing herself from the hug. „i know i know, i will keep that in mind." she laughed, reaching for Elinor's bags to help her.

Together they walked off the platform, past some red-brick pillars that supported the ceiling every few meters. „You know i was really glad when you came out of that carriage.", Anna said, sliding her hands into the pockets of her coat to take out a pair of gloves which she put on, hoping to keep her fingers warmed up. „i wouldn't know what to do if you didn't." She smiled at Elinor, happy to see her familiar face again. „You had no reason to be doubtful, as soon as i read your letter i packed all my things and rushed here." she ensured, loosing her friends handle and took back her bags, aware of the importance of sparing Annas Hands, especially right before a concert.

They strolled further through  the great hall. „Where do we even head now?", Elinor asked as they reached a big gate that she assumed would be the exit. Anna rummaged through her little bag that she carried with her and handed her a ticket with the title „Vivaldi's four seasons at Cadogan Hall". „The concert is tonight...As you know me, i really am a last minute person and couldn't get you a train ticket that would have arrived earlier. That's why You have to drop me by the concert hall first for my final rehearsal before heading to my apartment. „Elinor gave her a sheepish look „ know, i still don't have my driver's license.". Anna smiled at her „That's what i figured, therefore, i'm all the more grateful to Jamie for willing to drive you around.".


JamieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang