Even though my mind drools at the thought of Tanner shirtless and oiled up, my rationale kicks in, and I know that I won't be the only one to see this and if what he told me is true, I don't like the thought of girls looking at him or worse, coming on to him. "No, don't. I don't want my night ruined by having to pull girls off of you all night."

"Don't worry, Le-Le. You're the only one who gets to see my strip tease later, and I can't wait to see yours as well."

Sweet Jesus.

He takes hold of my face and plants his firm lips against mine, this time moving at a fast pace and not letting me go. I breathe in his delicious cologne and entwine my arms around his neck, kissing him back just as fiercely, getting lost in the moment with him.

"You taste like apples," he murmurs when we finally part.

"I had some apple Sourz before coming out. What about you? How much have you had already?"

"I think about five beers and some vodka shots. You don't mind if I get wasted tonight, do you? It's just the boys want to really party."

"No, I don't mind. You deserve it after your win."

I hear one of Tanner's teammates calling his name to get back to the beer pong, and he groans.

"Go. I'm gonna go meet up with Zara and wait for Ben and Toby to arrive."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, absolutely."

He gives me one more final kiss before striding back to his friends with his hands in the air. I give a small smile as I watch him, and then exit the kitchen and maneuver around the mass of people to find Zara.

After searching the house twice over, I still don't see her. I huff in frustration and go to the backyard and skirt around a few people who are dancing near some speakers.

I notice that the backyard is cast in a low glow from strings of lights that have pumpkins and ghosts on them. I squint my eyes as I take in the rest of the backyard and realize the boys have set up some inflatable Halloween items and have sprayed the trees with string to look like cobwebs. It's cool that they have made the effort to make this party more themed.

I carefully descend the wooden patio and head towards the back of the yard where some people have gone to sit on deck chairs and tree logs.

"Leah! Over here."

I turn my head to the left and spy Zara, Ben, and another guy with bleached-blond hair all sitting around a fire pit. I skip over to them and am immediately enveloped in a delicate hug from the new guy. I smile widely and hug him back. "You must be Toby."

"That I am, girl. I'm so happy I get to meet you at last. Ben has told me all about you."

Toby releases me from the hug, and I see that he is dressed as the Mad Hatter, Johnny Depp style. His makeup looks amazing, and it seems as if he spent hours on it to perfect it.

He goes to sit back by Ben, who is in a Fred the Flintstones outfit, and I grin. Only Ben would dress up in something like that.

"You guys look awesome, by the way."

"Thanks," Ben replies.

"Thanks, babe. I love yours, though. A sexy silver skeleton. So hot!" Toby responds enthusiastically.

"Aw, thank you. My boyfriend loved it as well. His jaw practically hit the floor when he saw me."

He grins. "I bet. I've heard about your man too and how he held poor Ben up against a door."

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