I returned to the living room to see that Mariana had ordered pizza, but I couldn't even stomach it. I was so broken, Colson broke me. He knew he had my heart and he played with it until he didn't need it anymore. Four years, down the drain. Just like that. I felt awful for what I said to him before he left, and Mariana suggested I try to call him and talk it out.

I picked up my phone and dialed, but it went straight to his voicemail.

"Hey, it's Kells. Who calls people anymore? If it's important just text me, if not I guess maybe you won't hear back."

I decided not to leave a voicemail. He would call back if he decided I was important when he saw my name. Or maybe he wouldn't call me back. Maybe he was already over me, and deleted me out of his life.

I spent the rest of my night with Mariana, since she decided to crash at my place tonight. She didn't wanna leave me alone, and I was grateful for it. I was happy to have the company. I don't think I would make it through this all by myself. Mariana was the best friend I could ever ask for.

I packed up all of Colson's stuff in the bedroom, and after awhile I sat down on the bed and broke down, crying while scrolling through photos of the two of us together on my phone. One picture in particular sent an extra twinge of pain through my body. We were at a fair, and he had just won me a giant teddy bear. No one had ever won me anything, so Colson knew it was so special to me.

Mariana and her boyfriend were with us, and she took the picture of us together while I was holding the bear, the look of pure joy on my face.

He took me to dinner that night, and gave me a promise ring. He had worked so hard, and saved up his money until he had enough money to buy it. He was nervous, he almost didn't give it to me.

I was 18 then. And the next day was when we moved in together.

I looked down at it, still wearing it on my finger. I reminisced in the memory of that day. That perfect day.

We were so happy. So in love.

I miss him already.

- Colson

I knew she didn't mean what she said, but it felt like a literal slap in the face. How could she expect me to pass up this opportunity? I knew she felt like she needed to stay until her brother came home, but I couldn't wait 3 more years. I would've hated the distance just as much as her, but we could have made it work. It wasn't our original plan to move to LA, but that's where the label is.

She was worried about how our relationship would survive being apart and I knew that, I understood that, but I was willing to try until she said that.

And she couldn't take that shit back either. I wouldn't let her. Even on our worst fucking days, I never would have said some shit like that to her. I loved that girl. She was the first girl to ever get me to catch feelings. And just like that, it was over. She always told me she would stand by my side, that she would be here to push me to get recognized. She always said that even if it took forever, in the end me and her would be together.

I took the key we kept under the mat before I left. I was sure she'd change the locks by the time I ever came back, if I ever do, but it gave me comfort to have it. But after a while I kept playing that scene in my head. I thought she was just angry, but the more times I saw it happen, I could easily recognize the hurt she was actually feeling, that she hid underneath the anger.

Maybe I should call the girl. Maybe we can work shit out. I just know I love her. I'll always love her, and the thought of not having her by my side was killing me inside. I attempted to call her, but it went straight to voicemail.

"It's Sienna. You know me, I'm probably busy with Colson. You know what to do."

"Fuck." I said as I ended the call without leaving a message. "Did she block my number? Already?"

I shoved all of that to the back of my head as I turned to face Slim, who was flying out with me to try to push our music. Los Angeles better get ready for us. We're about to tear shit up.

- Sienna

I heard a knock on the door the next morning when I woke up. A part of me was hoping to see Colson on the other side, but to my surprise it was our friend Zayne.

"What's wrong?" He asked me, eyeing me up and down curiously. "You look like death."

I invited him in, and started a pot of coffee while he took a seat on the couch. I poured us both a cup, and sat his down on the table in front of us while I sat next to him.

"So, what's going on?" He asked again.

"Colson fucking left me." I said, and had to choke back the tears that were threatening to spill over again.

"What?" He asked, but he didn't seem shocked. He had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Yeah, he just took of for California. Got a call from some producer who wants to meet with him. And just like that, I was no longer a factor in his life." I ended with a sniffle. "4 years together, and he dropped me like it was nothing.

"Listen, S, I'm gonna be honest with you. He had no intentions of taking you with him when he got out of here. He was going to leave you behind."

"What the fuck are you talking about, Zayne?" I growled.

"Colson told me awhile back that once he got out, he wanted to start over. He said he didn't want any traces of his old life. He said that included you." He said, and I couldn't control my hand as it snapped forward to slap him.

"Why the hell would you not tell me that?" I asked angrily as he rubbed his cheek. "Why would you just let him play me? I trusted you. I trusted him. Fuck. Get out." I said, but he made no movement to get up.

"Sienna wait, you gotta understand. He was my boy, I knew him first. How was I supposed to roll on him like that? I couldn't do that to him." He asked.

"You couldn't be a decent human being?"

"Come on, it's not like that. Plus I honestly just kinda thought he was fucking with me, like trying to make himself sound like a badass. I never thought he'd actually do it. I really thought he loved you."

We sat together in silence after that. I couldn't wrap my mind around it, that Colson never had any intention of being with me forever. In that moment, I hated him. And I wanted nothing more than to hurt him the way that he hurt me.

The next thing I knew, Zayne and I were taking each other's clothes off.

*Let me know what you guys think! Leave comments on what you think it's going to happen 😈*

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