Chapter 5

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Her mother gasped and placed a hand over her chest.
" Poor boy"

" So does that mean that he's staying?' Maddie asked her mom.

" Of course, he reminds me of Gabriel" her mom replied and went back to the living room.

" How are you feeling boy?" She asked and squatted to face Luke.
The boy scratched his red hair.

" Um, hungry?" He replied
Mrs Ripley glared at her daughter and her friend.

" You guys didn't give him anything to eat?." She demanded.

" Um.. mom relax. At least we brought him here right Gabe?" She looked at her friend for help.
The guy shook his head not ready to comply, the door opened.

" Hey Dad, didn't know you were coming back" Maddie quickly ran to her father to escape from her mother's questions.

" How was work today, Mr Ripley" Gabe said as he shook hands with Maddie's father.

" I told you to just call me Aiden, work was fine." He replied and noticed the little guy as he turned.

" Who's the young lad?" He asked.

" Madeline why don't I talk to your father while you give Luke some food to eat huh?" Her mother smiled and gestured for her to leave.

" Sure, sure" she said and quickly grabbed Luke's hand.

" Your mom still hasn't changed" Gabe said as they entered the kitchen.

" She and change are two world's apart"

" You were lucky to leave before she changed her mind" Gabe remarked.

" Of course, whenever she smiles nothing good comes out from it" Maddie replied.

" I'm done" Luke announced as he took the last bite of the sandwich.

" Good boy, let's get you to bed so that you can wake early lie us tomorrow" Maddie said

" I can't move, I'm tired" Luke replied yawning.

" Let me carry him" Gabriel offered.

" Thanks Gabe, he's had a tough day "
Gabe lifted Luke and carried him on his back while Maddie left to meet her parents.

The next day

Maddie woke up early as she had to enroll Luke into the school to start training,they passed through the market to buy some of the school materials that Luke was going to need and also to buy him some clothes while Gabe had left for the palace since.

They had just finished filling the acceptance form when they decided to hit the market. The was a huge crowd there as always and Luke found it hard to keep up as the people kept pushing him and he eventually got lost.

" Luke, Luke!" Maddie  shouted as Luke's hand separated from hers.

" Luke!" She shouted again.

" Over here" the little boy shouted and started running towards Maddie, he had ran a little before he suddenly collided with someone and they both fell.

" Luke"

Maddie quickly reached where he was, the little guy was rubbing this knees that had little bruises on them as he was putting on shorts today.

" Are you okay miss" she asked the passerby who Luke ran into, the woman took off her hood and looked at them.

" Carla?"

"I should have known that you were the one, you can't even look after a little boy". Carla replied

" Young miss are you okay?" One of her maids asked .

" Well isn't this the beggar boy?, birds of the same feather they say flock together" she continued totally ignoring the maid.

" You really have to improve your social circle" Carla said and walked away.

" She's mean Maddie" Luke said and looked at Madeline who held his hands.

" I know right?, That's how she is"

" Humph, I don't like her" Luke replied as he followed Maddie more closely to avoid getting lost again.

" Yeah, me too"

" Is she a guard too?, Her dresses are impressive"

" Yes, she's an elite guard at that"
They continued the journey home and Carla dominated most of their conversation.

" The king wants all the guards in seven groups with two elite guards each"
Ricky said.

All the elite guards were seated in a room, there were fourteen of them in total.

" Yeah, Calhoun told Carla to arrange the list of those to go" Tom one of the guards said.

" He did and I hope you don't have problem with that, do you?" Carla asked.

" Of course not" Tom replied.

" Good" she said and walked out of the room.
Gabe followed almost immediately.

" Carla" he called and the lady turned. She rolled her eyes when she realized who it was , she hated this guy who wouldn't just give up on her. She clearly had no eyes for anyone except the king.

" I wanted to ask if you could let Maddie come along for the hunt too"

"I know that you know that this hunt is a dangerous one and not one to be taken lightly as any mistake can take a life, bringing a slacker along will only reduce our chances of success"
Carla wasted no time in explaining.

" I know, I will ensure her safety, she could also learn some pointers from it too" Gabe replied.

' learn some pointers huh, if I and Gabe are the only elite guards in a group and that lackey tags along, I can leave them and find the head of the gang that way the king would only have eyes on me. If anything goes wrong I could probably blame it on them especially Maddie,if anything happens to Gabe, she'd probably be thrown out of the palace. Wouldn't I be killing two birds with one stone?'

Carla thought to herself.

" Carla, is anything the problem?" Gabe asked since Carla had been quiet for sometime.

" No, I will put her name in the list but remember that it was your idea. "

" Of course, thanks a lot"

" Tell Calhoun about your plan, I will let him have the list"

" No problem" Gabe replied

" Then I will be taking my leave" she said.
Gabe gave a short bow as she passed by.

" Yes" he said smiling to himself.
' I better tell Maddie the good news' he thought and headed to the training grounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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