chapter 4

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" The King wants know about the Marauders hideouts" Jack said as he took a sip of the tea placed in front of him.

" Even the king is interested" Terrence who was called the big boss said.
They were in a room where he usually received his visitors.

" The Marauders has always caused trouble for the kingdom for  some years now so it's a national concern" Jack replied.

" Well, we've gotten some information , they are mostly along the outskirts of the country. Close enough to the forest where they can hide when the chase starts".

" And how many hideouts are we talking about precisely?" Jack questioned and adjusted on his chair to sit at the edge leaning forward with his arms on his laps and fingers intertwined.

" Seven of them with at most fifty men" Terrence replied

" We've done business with them once two days ago but we had our identity as citizens of Cordonia." He added.

" I see" Jack said and rised, Terrence followed suit.

" It was nice doing business with you" he said as they shook hands"
He snapped his finger , someone came forward and handed over a box to Terrence who opened it.

" You've not disappointed me this time" he said

" I've never disappointed before" Jack replied and left.

The guards have been dismissed, the boys returned to their quarters while the girls and elite guards were allowed to go home.

"Did you hear the announcement made today?"
Gabe asked Maddie on the way home.

" Yeah, I won't be going anyways"
She replied.

" Says who?"

" Well, they probably won't let a slacker tag along you know"

" That doesn't mean that you can't come along of have an experience and learn. I will talk to Carla to put in some good words for you" he replied

" She hates me"

" That doesn't mean that she can't help"

" Since you put it like that, I have no objections. I will stop by to give this bread to Luke" Maddie announced.

" The orphan boy?"

" Yeah, don't call him that. He has a sister at least."

" They're lucky to have you as a friend" Gabe said.

" It's the other way round, Kiki taught how to cook.I never learned at home and Luke's a great kid"

" I can't argue more with you"
Neither said anything and walked on in silence.

" Madeline!"
A boy of about seven years was running towards them.

" Madeline"
He caught up with them panting, he had a red hair and brown eyes. The freckles on his cheek dotted his face.

" Luke" Madeline said and walked up to him. She held his shoulders, it was obvious that he had been crying since his eyes were red.

" What's wrong?" She asked.

" He said she has an incurable sickness and has to shave her hair." Luke said.

They were in a small room, a girl who looked similar to Luke was lying down, she looked pale and her originally blonde hair was turning gray. She was still a teenager, she was still unconscious.

" Poor Kiki" Maddie said as she wiped her tears.

" Please, excuse us" Gabe said to the little boy, who nodded and left.

" We can't let them shave her hair" Maddie said as she sniffled.

" I know, shaving her hair won't do much, my mom died the same way" Gabe said.

" Does that mean she would die too?" Her eyes were becoming watery.

" What about Luke?" She asked.

" We probably have to take him away before she dies, if he watches her die he would have nightmares" Gabe replied.

" Do you still have nightmares?" She asked.

When Gabe's mother died, he had come to live with them for some time. Sometimes at night he would scream in his sleep waking her up and sometimes he just cried silently while at other time he would mutter things like " don't leave mom" it was a very painful memory.

He sighed but didn't say anything.
" You never stopped having them, did you?"
He slowly shook his head.

" Why did you lie then?" Maddie asked.

He was silent for sometime, it was obvious that he didn't want to talk about this and Maddie knows that he doesn't but she was curious.

" I didn't want to continue to live off you guys and my dad also needed someone by his side, I lied so that your dad would let me leave the house and also help myself forget about it" he said and a tear ran down his cheeks, he wiped it away.

" I'm sorry" Maddie said, she was crying too.

" It's okay" he hugged her and Pat her back to calm her down.

" We need to take Luke away."
He said and wiped her tears.

They walked outside the room and saw the little boy standing, he was staring at the empty road he didn't even notice when they walked out.

" Luke" Maddie called softly not wanting to frighten him. He flinched and turned.

" Maddie" he ran to hug her.

" Let's go to my house" she said, the boy looked inside the room. She bent down to face the boy, he didn't was to leave his

" Kiki would be fine, she suggested that you follow me and enroll for karate class so that you can become a bodyguard just like me."
Luke's eyes brightened at the mention of bodyguard, he really want to be part of the army, to be able to follow the king wherever he went.

" Really?" He asked and looked at Gabe wanting him to confirm

" Of course" he assured the guy, Luke smiled.

" Must you always hear what he has to say before you agree with me." Maddie said.

" Well I know he doesn't make hasty decisions and he's the better guard here."

" Luke!" Maddie shouted, the boy ran to stand behind Gabe.

" I'm sorry" he said and held Gabe's clothes, the older guy chuckled and Maddie glared at him.

"Now let's go home before my mom gets angry at me. The doctor would take care of Kiki in your absent okay?"

Luke nodded and followed them since he didn't have anything to pack.

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