Season 1: Chapter 19

Start from the beginning

The couch started to whip the horse and the carriage move away.

"A-Are we safe now?" John said in tears

"We are, it is a Duke's order. The Duchess and the young masters can't defy his order. Now knights, let's go to the mansion" I said

We all moved to the carriage while the knights were still emotional. My face is still stiff but I can't accept this failed duty. I can't accept it as a knight. Something isn't right, the lady will not suddenly vanish like that. She must be nearby.

I stood up and open the carriage's door.

"Where will you go, commander?" Jared asked

"I will continue searching"

"But the Duke said we can go back"

"Still, I'll search for her. If I can't find her, I'll go back to the mansion and if I didn't come back it means that I already died."

They didn't say a single word and I left the carriage. The carriage starts to move and Rence is waving his hands.

"Stay safe, commander!" he said

They were just a kid but I'm a father. I should do my responsibility.

I looked around near the book store to find clue where the lady went.

"Did you a lady with blonde hair?"

My ears were aroused when I heard of 'blonde hair'. Blonde hair is rare in this kingdom so it's really not a coincidence that a blonde haired lady went to that store.

"She ordered 10 grilled squid but when I turned around her, she was gone." the old stall keeper said

It's not like my lady is fond of such an evil pranks but she was.. I remembered when she changed the knight's water into vinegar. That's why knights are mad at her.

But the lady has changed and I believed in her. While walking to the skewers stall, I saw a book in the ground and I ran to fetch it. I was surprised when I saw the book that the lady bought earlier there.

I knew it! Something was wrong! I smell the scent of the book and I got the scent of my lady into it. I have a sharp nose since I was a kid and that is my talent. That's why I became a knight in Ducal mansion.

Then, I followed the scent and it leads me into an empty alley. The scent has been erased, how is that possible? I use Fyon and I saw a faint magic used in here. Someone must've used a spatial magic to kidnap the lady.

*Spatial magic is a magic where you can create a dimension hole that leads to another place. It's like teleporting but teleporting is instant while spatial magic will activate when a person enters the hole.

"Well, well... It's strange, we've been careful the whole time. How could such a lowly knight track us?"

A sound of heels echoed in the alley and when I turned to face him, I was under attack.

"Diamond Magic; Spear Blitz" he chanted

I quickly swayed my sword to repel his attack. But I'm hardly managed to swing my sword because it's so powerful.

How come a person can be this powerful? He has a grimoire by his side and that means he's an Elera type. But I can't lose!

I pick up a cigarette in my pocket and put it into my mouth.

"Ho? You're in a verge of death but you still going to smoke? You clearly underestimating me" he said

I chuckled and exhaled the smoke of cigarette.

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