,, - morning routine ; diluc

Start from the beginning

i kissed you; no surprise there, you kissed me back. your lips were soft; just like the soft fluffy sheets and pillows of the bed. i pulled away from you and knocked your forehead slightly. "get up sleepy head. you have comms to do."

you shifted your position so your face wouldn't be facing the direct light from the lamp. you groaned as you grabbed a pillow to block the light from ever disturbing you. that wretched light was what you didn't want right now, you just wanted sleep. "hm, i get that, but still you still need to wake up-"


the sudden seriousness in your tone startled me. ah, always the fiesty one when i least expect it hm? i placed your hands down and slowly rolled down the blanket from your body, stopping just above your waist. your bare back was shining slightly under the dim lamp light, but it still looked as perfect as any other day.

you shivered and moved the pillow away from your face and gave me a scowl. "i hate you... why won't you let me sleep..."

she's cute.

"can't do that, you have work to do. so do i." i said, cupping your pouty face. you held the blanket up to your chest so i wouldn't see anything, and turned around to face the ceiling with a huff.

why bother with the blanket i wonder, you had no trouble showing me your body last night. hm, wonder where that confidence went.

you sat up and held the blanket in front of your chest while you moved another hand to rub your eyes tiredly. you yawned and turned your head to look around the room, probably trying to figure out where you were in the world. you yawned again and i took the chance to wrap my arms around you again.

you were so soft. it was hard to resist from hugging you, since you were just so soft. the best mornings were waking up next to you, but id never admit that to you; you'd get far too cocky. even worse than kaeya.

"can you get up now?"


"technically you're already up."


"what are you saying no to?"

"just no."

i laughed at how adorable you were being this morning. i removed my arms from around you and slowly got off the bed. i stretched my arms as i watched you slowly crack your knuckles and stretch your arms up and above your head. you yawned again and turned so your back was facing me. you sat on the edge of the bed and groggily got up, slightly wobbling in your step.

"you first?" you asked sleepily, and i nodded my head.

"hot water as usual, thank you darling."

i insisted that you didn't have to prepare the bath for me every morning, but then you kept saying it was a way for you to stay awake, so i didn't stop you. you left the bedroom and i had some extra time to glance around, your presence no longer here.

its been two years, but i still love you too much. i picked up your pillow and placed it to my face, inhaling the scent of the berries from your hair. you were always so particular about which berry scent to use for your hair, and i didn't really understand why you were so particular, but still, if it made you happy, i wouldn't have it any other way.

i sniffed the pillow a little bit more but quickly stopped, fearful that you might come back into the room again and catch me doing something like this. i would never admit that i actually really felt clingy to you; you would never know, and i would never tell you how i hug you in the middle of the night, fearful that you would leave me for my coldness one day.

i couldn't show you too much of my affection, i wasn't sure how to express them without being too weird, but you didn't seem to mind so much, so i kept this way.



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"stop moving, y/n," i mumbled. you were moving your body around in a weird way so i couldn't tie your hair properly. the hot water from the shower probably messed with your head or something, because you just wouldn't stay still.

"i love you for doing my hair but you'll need to try harder than that woooooooo~" you sung as you just kept moving your head around along with your body. i sighed and tried to loop your hair through the bands and binds, attaching some of your favourite flowers to the side.

you wouldn't stop moving, so i just did what i normally did so you would stop. "y/n please," i said and spun your head around to kiss you again. my eyes were shut, but i knew you were shocked by the way you stopped moving instantly. a few seconds later, your slender arms came wrapping around my neck.

kissing you was always a good add-on to a busy day everyday. we wouldn't see much of each other at all until evening came, as i was busy with the winery and you were busy doing commissions and attending to your duties as the dendro guardian of nature.

mondstadt's nature always looked much better with you around.

i pulled away from you and finally tied the last bundle of hair, and slipped a small flower into it. you stared into the mirror as you adjusted your dress and bow, and i gave you another soft pat before you stood up to play with your hair.

"thanks dear," you said sweetly. you hopped over to the table to take a bite of the breakfast that i had made, and all you did was give me a smile; indicating that you liked it.

as long as you like it princess.



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"what time tonight?" you asked at the door. i handed you your necklace that you again almost forgot, and gave you a kiss on your head.

"around seven, don't be late like you always are." i said firmly. you weren't good with time, and you never took much timing seriously, so i had to spell it out for you the exact time and location about six times everyday so you would be mindful not to be late.

"your dates are always the best," you said as you snuggled your head up to me.


"get off, you're going to be late if you keep this up." i said and gave you a slight push. you looked at me with sad eyes and i smiled before giving your hand a kiss. "go on, i'll meet you at seven."

you gave me a nod and went on your merry way, immediately encountering amber and starting to chat with her. hm, forgetting about me so quickly the moment you find your friends hm? that sounds like you.

ah, but i would always remember you.

and i'd always love you.

神. ❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐈Where stories live. Discover now