Chapter 16 (Who's the Mastermind)

Start from the beginning

Kyoko: "So Ikusaba was actually working for the mastermind. Or was the mastermind herself."

Aoi: "But how did she not appear and wouldn't she be dead by now?"

Kyoko: "Another question is that not only was Mukuro in every picture, Junko was as well. But we never saw her face."

Byakuya: "It's possible that's not an accident. Could she be the mastermind?"

Monokuma: "HOHOHold on! You're forgetting that I killed Junko Enoshima for breaking the rules!"

Sayaka: "So the killing game should've already stopped?"

Makoto: "No... because... Junko never died."

Everyone turned to Makoto and awaited evidence for his theory and Toko snickered.

Toko: "D-Don't be s-stupid! W-We all saw that b-bitch die!"

Makoto: "I don't think we did. While I was in the trash room rescuing Sayaka I found an E-Textbook. Something peculiar I discovered about that was Junko and Mukuro had the same body measurements!"

Kyoko: "So that means we either knew Mukuro as Junko or Junko as Mukuro the whole time."

Sayaka: "And if we knew the impostor as Junko..."

Makoto: "That means Mukuro disguising as Junko! Because Junko Enoshima is the mastermind!!"

Monokuma: "M-M-M-M-M-M-"

Chihiro: "Is... he broken?"

Byakuya: "I believe we've struck a nerve-"

Monokuma: "MOTHER TRUCKER!!!"

Monokuma suddenly fell off his step stool and on to the floor and exploded in a puff of smoke! Everyone had covered their eyes as the room quickly filled up with smoke and they couldn't believe what they were seeing sitting in the throne.


Junko, the real Junko took her seat on the throne with her legs crossed and suddenly stood up to the podium where Monokuma was and tossed the stool behind her.

Junko: "Y'all happy to see me!? Junko fucking Enoshima in the flesh!"

Aoi: "Th-This is the real Enoshima!?"

Junko: "Sorry... am I not enough for you... that's super super sad..."

Sayaka: "Wait... how did she just..?"

Toko: "D-Does sh-she have m-multiple p-personalities too?"

Junko: "I have a lot more than just the one personality!"

Chihiro: "Ok... this is kinda freaking me out..."

Junko: "Aww... can Fuwisaki not handle my many personawities?"

Toko: "H-Her boobs j-just g-got b-bigger!"

Makoto: "Does... that really matter..?"

Aoi: "So why did Mukuro disguise herself as you!?"

Junko: "Well Mukuro owed me a favor and she helped me set this whole thing up. I guess family really does stick together huh!"

Sayaka: "Mukuro... was your sister!?"

Junko: "Bingo! And she broke the rules causing her death! Oh the despair that brought upon me..."

Chihiro: "Sh-She's insane!"

Kyoko: "If Mukuro helped you, why did you plan to kill her?"

Junko: "Because she broke the rules, and it's not the only time..."

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