Season 1: Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

I ignored his questions and continue to walk. When he pass through the outside the gate, I quickly moved inside and lock the gate.

"Are we going outside to the mansion---Hey, why are you locking the gate? Let me in!" He cried

I looked at him with emotionless expression and that made him gulp.

"Go home" I said and turn around

"Wait! Please take back the curse! I didn't get much sleep in the past two weeks because of your curse! I don't want to be impotent! Please take it back!"

Oh my gosh, he's really crying! That's right, no one wanted to be impotent. Impotent in tagalong is 'baog' ata? Something like that. He really take that thing seriously, wtf?

"I won't" I said

"Please I'm begging you! I'll do whatever you want me to do, just undo the curse! I don't wanna be impotent!" he cried

This guy... He really thinks I'm a witch. Is he really a general's son?

"It's useless, don't convince me anymore because no matter what you said, I won't" I said and walk slowly

Well, I have to tease him more so he can offer me much more, hehe.

"I'll be your personal knight when I already reached my come of age. I will dedicate my life to you so please spare me!"

Hmmm, not bad a bad offer.

I turned my back and I was shocked when I sensed a strong killing intent from the back of Maximilien.

"Personal knight who?" Neron smiled as he held Maximilien's collar

Crap! Why is the two bastard is here in front of my house?

"Ne-Neron!" Maximilien exclaimed

"What are you doing here?" Neron threatened

"I-I was---" Maximilien interrupted when Neron suddenly shouted

"Shut up! I wasn't asking you!" he yelled

"Y-You asked me!" Maximilien replied

"Calm down, Neron. I can handle this" Arthur walked in our direction

It's a good thing that Arthur is here, I can't let Neron throw tantrum here.

"Tsk" Neron uttered as he let go Maximillien

Arthur walked in Maximilien's direction.

"Tell me..."

The atmosphere becomes cooler and my hairs are straighten up.

"Are you perhaps harassing our little sister forcing yourself to be her personal knight?" Arthur said in menacing tone

He's really scary when got mad!

"No, I wouldn't dare! Please listen to me" Maximilien said in tremble

Arthur's aura become normal and return to his emotionless face.

"Very well, go on" he said

"I was pleading Lady Adelaide to take back the curse she enchanted to me."

"What curse? "

"... Im... Impotence.. "

As soon as the two heard of it, they begun to be anxious for some reason and their personality towards Maximilien changed.

"Man, that's really awful" Neron said as he patted Maximilien on his shoulder

"I know right" Maximilien replied while crying

"Man, you need to convinced our sister. The offer you made earlier is not enough to take back the curse. What if she sacrifices her life just to take back the curse from you?" said Neron

What the fvck? I didn't do that curse thing! I'm not a witch or whatsoever.

"That's right, she kept on refusing me even if I'm bribing her." blurted Maximilien

It's because I want more offers, idiot!

"Judging on how she react, she must be careful in making a decision. Her life is in stake here, you should offer her more to undo the curse. The consequences must be too hard for her to overcome." explained Arthur

You too, Arthur? What a traitor!

"A-Alright, I'm willing to pay 200,000 cers to her. I'll compensate her if she will have to go to the hospital before the removal of my curse." Maximilien said with determination

Sighed, this is hopeless. Did they dropped their brain?

"Sister, open the gate. We will help you to remove the curse." Neron said in serious tone

I sighed.

"Fine" I said and signal the guards to reopen the gate.

Neron and Arthur stood beside me leaving Maximilien in my front.

"I'm begging you Lady Adelaide, please spare me" said Maximilien while bowing

Arthur patted my head and I looked at him. He smiled at me and so did Neron.

"Don't worry, we got you sis" Neron said and winked


Sigh, it seems that I have no choice but to finish what I've started. Nevermind, his offers make up all of this stupid stuffs.

I pointed my hands on Maximilien's forehead.

"Curse release!" I chanted

I must pretend that I really have a hard time releasing a curse on him so I acted a little.

"Argh, the curse is too strong!" I gritted

Wtf haha! This is hilarious

"Hold on, sis!" uttered Neron

Haha, another idiot.

"It's done" I said while pretending to gasp

"I-Its over.. " Maximilien knelt down and looked very happy

What an overreacting individual.

"I felt it, it's like a lightning rushed into my forehead and all over my body." Max said in shock as he looked at his hands

"I can't believe that you have a powerful aura in you, Adel." gasped Arthur

Alright, alright... I can't believe you were fooled by me, just shut up and leave the mansion.

Should I put an act? Pretend to lose all my power for that release? Maybe they will all leave me, that's right!

I then act that I was feeling dizzy and they noticed it.

"Adel, are you okay?" Arthur asked thoughtfully and he supported me

Ha! I got you.

"I feel dizzy.." I said while pretending to be sick

"Neron, quick call an ambulance. Adel's life is in danger, I can tell it." Arthur call out

"Roger!" Neron quickly respond

"Are you okay, Lady Adelaide? " Maximilien asked

"B-Brother, just bring me back to my room." I said

"No, you must be treated immidiately!"


I was about to argue with Arthur when I felt a pain in my head.

What's happening? Why is my vision suddenly disappearing? I'm feeling dizzy and nauseated. Why is this happening?

"Sister.... on.. hold...."

My hearing is slowly fading too.

Am I gonna die? What's happening?

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