A Slightly Warm Welcome

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A/N: Hey so, this is my first public fanfiction...not to mention my first Snape fanfiction...my first HP fanfic in general actually XD I'm sry if its not the best but it should get better as it goes :P I OWN NOTHING BUT MY OWN WORDS All characters and wizard world aspects belong to J.K. Rowling. And yes this will b in the Golden Trio's 5th year as well but ignoring canon.

"It's good to be home." I think to myself as I step into the Great Hall for the first time in months. I immediately notice Harry Potter and Ron Weasley sitting at the other end of the Gryffindor table playing Wizard's Chess, and decide to say hi.

"Hey Harry, Ron." I give them a somewhat enthusiastic nod. "Hey (Y/n). You want next game?" Ron asks, as Harry looks up at me, a look in his eyes saying "Please end the torment.".

I let out a small chuckle, "Oh no thanks. I haven't a clue how to play anyway." Ron nods, "Just as well, we're just waiting on Hermione." I look back at Harry, who now looks defeated. I mouth "Sorry".

I glance up at the teacher's table, quickly scanning the seats for our Potions Master.

"He's not here yet (Y/l/n)!" I hear a rather judgemental voice say and quickly turn my attention towards it. It's none other than the Slytherin git Draco Malfoy. "What's the matter? Miss your boyfriend?" More Slytherins walk up behind him, laughing. His pals Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini seem to go wherever he does.

I roll my eyes and open my mouth to make a snarky remark when, "Huh?!"

Hermione Granger walks up behind Malfoy and points her wand at his neck, "Honestly Malfoy, you'd think you'd know better than to do this in the middle of the Great Hall." Pansy and Blaise raise there wands at Hermione. Without sharing words, she lowers hers and scowls at Malfoy. Then smirks when she realizes how scared he was.

"My father will hear about this!" Malfoy's voice echoes throughout the Great Hall as he struts off.

Hermione then runs up to me, concern emerging on her face, "Are you alright (Y/n)?" "Yeah, thanks Hermione." I point behind me towards Harry and Ron, who haven't moved, "Those two were no help." I laugh. Hermione's expression turns from worry to anger in an instant, and she stomps over to the boys, book in hand, ready to-


She slaps both of them on the back of their heads with her Hogwarts: A History book. "How could you just sit here and let that happen?!" She exclaims. "Apologize. Right now!" The two boys, slightly pale, turn to me, "Sorry we didn't help (Y/n)." Harry says, his voice slightly shaking (probably from Hermione), "Yeah, sorry." Ron adds.

I stare at them, wondering if I should ask them..."Is it weird that I befriended Professor Snape? I mean, I'm sure most students would think me insane for befriending any teacher, let alone Snape. And as Malfoy so kindly reminded me, some students seem to believe me and him are-" I shudder at the thought, "I don't even wanna say it."

"(Y/n)," Hermione starts, "I think it's just hard for people to understand. Just ignore the rumors, and you'll be fine." She smiles at me, I smile back. "Yeah! I think it's good the old bat has someone he can let his anger out to." Ron mentions, snickering, earning an elbow to the gut from Hermione. "Ignore him."

"I'm glad he has someone like you as a friend." Harry chimes in, "You make him better." I look at him, wide eyed, then proceed to stare at the ground, blushing, "Th-Thanks guys."

After a few moments of awkward silence, Hermione ushers Harry and Ron up off the table, "Why don't we head up to the common room and start settling in."

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