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The past few days have been stressful, with focus being on school work. I've been studying with Hermione and Pansy every day in the library. With other words, my brain is completely drained now.

Because of the busy days, I haven't been writing with Harry either. He's tried to reach out a couple of times, but I have not been able to give him any pleasured answers.

Today is saturday though, and I'm finally free from the studies. And rumour has it, that there's going to be a party tonight at the quiddith field. Obviously, I am interested.


Have you heard the rumours?

What rumours?

The party?

Yes, are we going?

Don't count on me and Becca, we
have stuff planned already

But maybe I'll come just a bit if I
can, to say hi

Okay Luna ❤️

I'll think about it, but yeah probably

I'm tired, I think I'll go to bed
early today

Wtf are you serious Pansy

No wtf, I'm already planning the outfit bitch

Jeez you scared me

Hermione? What about you?

She's with Ron so she won't answer for
a while

Such a simp
message delivered

I rise from my bed and plan my walk straight to the Gryffindor's house. In the hallway however, I unfortunately run into Malfoy. I have luckily succeeded to ignore him, but with the stupid grin he gives me, I know that I won't be able to this time.

"Gilderwood, what a pleasure to see you."

"Wish I could say the same, Malfoy." I answer with a smile, just to piss him off.

I continue walking, passing him. But he grabs my waist and pull me back. "I want to apologize, for the other day when I was being an arse."

I look up at him shockingly. "Are you, Draco Malfoy, apologizing?" He rolls his eyes, but smiles as well. "Should I be scared then?"

"No. I just had a rough day and took it out on you."

I nod carefully. "Okay then. Thank you for your honesty."

His hand slowly traces from my waist, down to my hip. A shiver is sent through my body, but I pretend like I didn't even notice.

"So, are you going to the party tonight?" I question while looking in his intimidating eyes.

He doesn't answer the question, instead he asks me one. "Are you?" I nod. "Then I'm coming, yeah."

I chuckle a bit then take a step back. "Careful Malfoy. Wouldn't want people to know your crushing on me, now do you?" I wink and take yet a step back. "See you tonight then." I almost whisper, then turn around and continue the path to the Gryffindor house.

When I arrive, I notice Hermione, Ron and Harry sitting around a table with wizarding chess placed in front of them. From the looks of it, Hermione is playing against Harry, while Ron try to teach Hermione the game.

I walk up to them. "Well well well, who's acting all barbaric now, huh?" I say as Hermione makes a move which results in one of the pawns breaking.

They all look up at me at the same time, and I give them a smile.

Hermione is the first one to speak up, "Sam, what are you doing here?" I scoff at her. "Now I can't visit my favourite Gryffindor?"

She smiles, while Ron puts his hands up in the air to mark his disappointment. "You can't possibly argue that she's the best Gryffindor!" I chuckle at him, "Jealous, Ron?"

He shakes his head. "I mean, yeah she's smart. But I'm the comedian of the school! And what about Harry? Harry is the boy who lived!"

I laugh at him, while taking a seat at the floor and leaning against the back of the sofa placed behind me. I look up at Harry, then back at Ron. "I understand your point with Harry. But no one can take Hermione's spot." I look at Harry once again, "No offence, Potter."

He smiles, making me melt just a tiny bit. "None taken, Gilderwood."

I return his smile before standing up to walk behind Hermione. I place my arms around her, giving her a hug. "There's a party tonight. Me, Pansy and Ginny are planning to go. You coming with us?"

Hermione don't have the time to answer before she gets interrupted. "My little sister is invited to a party that I didn't even know about? Absolutely not." Ron bursts out irritated.

"Don't be ridiculous Ron. Ginny is not a kid." Hermione defends.

"Now now, let's not be negative. Ron, you could come along as well, that way you can keep an eye on your sister." Then I pat Hermione on the shoulder, "And you're coming too."

At last, I look at Harry. "You coming, Potter?"

"If Ron goes, I'll go."

I nod, starting to make my way out of the common room again, "Splendid."

The minute I close the door and start walking down the stairs, I recieve a text message. I bring my phone up and watch the screen. A crooked smile unconsciously find its way to my lips.


I miss talking to you mystery girl

Sorry it's been a stressful couple of
days, but I'm all yours now

I like the sound of that

Are you coming to the party tonight?

Didn't know you were invited, Potter ;)

Don't avoid the question 😤

I don't know, maybe 🥳🔞👅🍻

I'll be looking for the alcoholist then

Hahah shut up
message delivered

no this is not a draco malfoy fanfic i know but just wait okay

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