Chapter Eight: The Scoundrel of Sussex

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"Yes? You said yes after that...that brute broke all protocol and trespassed into your room?

"It wasn't like that, he was..."

"He was what?"

"...Romantic. And intoxicating."

"Romantic?...Really Violet, I don't understand you. First you say you want nothing to do with love, then you run away to Aunt Dorothy and completely ruin your reputation with some libertine."

"He didn't ruin anything. And he's not a libertine. He's a gentleman."

"Oh even better, papa will love that. A man of no profession, declaring his love for you. I want to be there for that conversation."

"Scarlett, hush. I don't recall ever asking your opinion."

"Well it's true, both mama and papa will be furious."

"Mama and papa will not hear of any of this. Do you hear me? If you tell another living creature I'll disown you as a sister and tell everyone about you and Edward Potter."

"...I don't know to whom you are referring."

"No?...You recall at Easter when you said you were in bed with a headache. The only honest part was that you were in fact in bed."

"You wouldn't!..."

"I would. I shall."

"...Fine. As your eldest sister I suppose you should be able to confide in me. And I you. Just be careful, this Parker boy sounds like trouble."

"He's of no such character."

"So do tell me then...was he as handsome as they say."

"More handsome than the prince of England!"

"Then my dear Violet you will indeed be in trouble."

"Say nothing will you?"

"I shall be silent...for as long as my jealousy permits."

"You are too good to me."

"I know. Now leave this old spinster to her chores."

"You are no sprinter Scarlett. And Edward is a fool if he does not pursue you."

"You say that because you are my sister."

"No, I'm telling you as a woman."

"Would father ever allow it?"

"I see no reason for his refusal. He is quite amiable and most importantly has an occupation. How could papa turn him away?"

"Do you think I should tell him where my affections lie at long last?"

"Darling, of course."

"Honestly with all your heart?"

"With all my being...but"

"But what?"

"There is only one thought."

"Yes, what?"

"I better not say."

"Violet, I beg of you. Have mercy on my weary heart."

"Well, it's only that if Edward refuses you, papa will have to trade you in for a hog at market."

"Violet, you are so wicked! You've only been home a day and already you annoy me. I shall never confide in you again!"

"Oh hush up."

"So you do think we have a future?"

"You'll have the brightest of us all."


"Yes my dear sister."

"Oh thank you Violet. I shall tell papa about Edward."

"Very well. I shall prepare myself for hideous nieces and nephews."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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