Chapter Seven: Luncheon

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A bout of Gout kept poor aunt Dorothy lame in bed, leaving Violet and her uncle to attend the luncheon by themselves. "What delicious devilry! My butcher has put me in an awful state, but I do suppose it is my own doing, I'm such a glutton! Oh Dearest Violet, do have a good time. Let a beau or two see your smile and if anyone asks, tell them I have a ferocious headache will you? They need not know of my gastly appetite. I would be the laughing stock of society." The carriage pulled into the grand Morrison estate a few moments before noon. The horses; joyful of their lighter load, came to a halt at the bottom of the front steps, where the footmen waited to show them inside.

"The Morrison's have a couple of daughters your age, Marigold and Susan. They also have an elder son named Michael. You'll do well to speak with them this afternoon, but beware, Susan can be quite the little bitch at times. The rest of the luncheon party are much older, so it will be all money and politics I'm afraid. Just enjoy yourself and have a good time. I'll collect you at three."

As they entered the festively decorated home, Violet went from feeling slightly nervous to very nauseous, but she wouldn't allow her anxieties to get the best of her. With a deep breath and an even larger exhale she freed herself of all panic and allowed the music of the quartet return to her a fully relaxed and sociable state. Luncheon was served outdoors during a friendly match of Polo between Mr. Morrison, his extended family and business associates. The weather had cooperated fully, allowing a second match for the younger men attending; much to the satisfaction of the single women in the crowd. At the end of the line of spectators, a pretty young girl in a cream dress and yellow bonnet was waiving desperately in her direction.

"Violet?...Violet Kensington, is that you? Come here at once and embrace an old playmate!"

Violet approached cautiously to the unfamiliar friend.

"Hello, have we met somewhere before?"

"I can't possibly believe for a moment you've forgotten me. It's Marigold! Marigold Morrison. Our fathers are business associates and former schoolmates."

Violet smiled politely as the two girls hugged one another; still oblivious to their past relationship. "I can see by your vacant expression you're still trying to figure out who I am. We had the same nanny you see. Only briefly of course, my father referred her to your mother when she found yours sleeping with the butler. Scandalous, I know. But you've grown haven't you. Tell me, what brings you to London?"

"I'm visiting my aunt and uncle for a few weeks. The country can be very isolating at times."

"Indeed, quite scarce of eligible gentlemen. But here you can have your pick and they you. Why just look around there must be a dozen or so suitors. One doesn't know where to begin."

"I'll begin with luncheon." Violet replied as she reached for a plate from the buffet.

"Yes I'm positively peckish, please do sit with me and my brother, we have so much to catch up on. Do you remember Michael? He used to run around naked in the fountains and put frogs down your backside, but I can assure you he is a perfect angel these days. I can't say the same for Susan, but you need not worry, she's much too preoccupied with the soldiers. Just look at her strutting around like a peacock on parade. Father ought to box her ears."

The pair made their succulent selections and joined the family table, where Michael and his fiance were already tucking into their meal. Marigold stared angrily at her obnoxious and vile older sister. "I hope she chokes on her root beer, the thieving troll."

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