Chapter Four: London

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Rain. Nothing but the sound of rain was heard on the long ride to London. Droplets danced down the side of the carriage in a hypnotic tempo, helping Violet slip into a deep relaxing slumber. She dreamed sweet scenarios of what was to come. Soon she would have sanctuary from her meddling mother and grandmama, free to do whatever she wished with the hours of the day. London would do her heart good, of that she was certain. There she would converse with high society, the well groomed and educated, not the daydreaming and decaying minds of her sisters. She often found talking to the horses in the stables a more satisfying interaction. Even if they never replied, they were adequate company, smell and all. Yes, the city offered her sweet stimulation. Of course spending time with aunt Dorothy would also be pleasant, she reminded herself as her eyelids peeled open revealing her green jewel eyes. London soon appeared on the horizon, illuminated in a vibrant orange sunrise. It was rivaled by the glow in her cheeks as she anticipated her arrival. Three weeks of pure bliss was about to begin.

"We'll be at your aunts door in an hour, miss"

"I best make a stop to rest the mares. Seem to have a horseshoe loose."

The carriage came to a complete stop moments later. The horses were given water and feed and stood motionless, enjoying their much deserved break. On the path behind them came a young gentleman on horseback. He looked very well to do with a fine jacket and gold cufflinks reflecting the sunlight off his wrists where his gloves left a few inches of bare skin. "Good morning". "Not lamed your carriage have you?"

"Indeed not, sir, just a loose shoe, nothing serious."

"Permit me to assist you, I know a thing or two about those pesky shoes."

"That is very kind, sir."

He then leapt with little effort from his horse and removed his jacket, revealing a fine stitched linen shirt. "Rather run down isn't it? Poor girl will have to go barefoot until you reach the city. Look for Johnston and Sons when you arrive. You'll find their repair fees quite agreeable."

"Very helpful of you Mr?"

"Parker, Andrew Parker of Sussex. I own a cottage in the hillside, I'm on my way to a Luncheon otherwise I must appear over-dressed for a morning ride. Pray, where are you traveling from?"

"The Kensington Estate." "Ah, yes the Kensingtons, my father has done several spring hunts with his lordship, I'm to luncheon with them shortly, give him my regards."

"Of course, sir, thank you once more for stopping."

"Not at all, my pleasure indeed."

Violet's soft white face emerged from the side of the carriage, wishing to catch a glimpse of her potential roadside rescuer. "Good morning, Miss." The young man said with a slight grin. "If you're without incident, I leave you to finish your journey. Welcome to London."

With a tip of his hat and a kick of his boots, the courteous fellow rode on.

"What a splendid gentleman, don't you think miss?"

"Oh yes, very respectable, very kind to concern himself."

"Lead on girls, lead on." the driver nudged the horses back into a steady trot.

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