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After we finished getting dressed, we got into some comfy clothes. Fred was wearing his grey sweatpants and red Gryffindor T-shirt.


He looked so hot every time he wore those grey sweatpants....I love seeing him in ONLY those grey sweatpants.

I wore the usual, black leggings with a Gryffindor crew neck. I wore leggings a lot since Fred liked seeing me in them....and they are really comfortable.

I grabbed my wand from my desk to place in my leggings, Fred finished grabbing his shoes and putting them on. I looked in my mirror making sure I wasn't going to the common room looking like a mess. I was fixing my hair when I see Fred standing behind me. "What's wrong with you?" I asked with a smirk, wondering what he was thinking.

He came up behind me, giving me a hug from the back. I felt his hot breath in my ear, making me get butterflies. "You look great in these ya know?" He said whispering in my ear, in his deep voice. Next thing that caught me by surprise, a loud smack noise came from behind me as Fred slapped my ass. "Ow Fred, a little gentle next time" I said jumping up and the tingly pain he left behind. "Wait did I really hurt you? I'm sorry, I was trying to be-",

"It's fine Fred, I know....and thank you by the way, that's why I wore them." I said giving him a little smile. I turned to face him, he looked like he felt bad. He rubbed his neck with one hand and then other hand was in his pocket.

There was a little awkward silence.

"Let's go down and meet everyone, I'm pretty sure they are waiting for us." I said standing on my tippy toes giving him a quick kiss on the check.

He smiled and nodded. I grabbed his hand as we began to walk out of my room and down to the common room. We heard people talking and laughing, having a good time.

As soon as we got down stairs, we found our friends sitting on the couches near the fire, whispering about something that sounded important. Me and Fred looked at eachother confused at to what could be important. We walked up to our friends, "hey guys what are you talking about?" I said standing behind Harry. They looked up at us and looked at each other. "Did you hear about Alistora?" Hermione said standing up to talk to me. I looked at Fred concerned, "what about Alistora? I was in my room with Fred the whole time....what happened?" I asked confused. All of a sudden I hear people whispering as well, looking our way. The trio notice all the whispering as they looked around the common room. Hermione moved closer to me and Fred. "apparently she got expelled for attempting the killing curse, but they found out she was a death eater....and got sent to Azkaban...." Hermione whispered to me and Fred. My eyes went wide...

Death eater....I forgot about death eaters and...


"Are you serious?" Fred sounded shocked. He put his arm around me, trying to comfort me. "That's not even the worst part..." Ron added. He looked at Harry and looked back at me.m

"She's dead"

My eyes opened wide, my mouth dropped at Ron's words. I looked at Harry and his eyes dropped to the floor. "No...your lying." I said In shock. How is this happening? How can she be dead?

"How? How is she fucking dead?" I said whispering harshly. I didn't know what to feel. I was in shock. "This isn't the place to talk about it....can we go to your room?" Harry asked me. I looked at everyone, and nodded.

We all walked in a group, up the spiral stairs to my room. My heart was beating fast, thinking maybe I had something to do with her death.

We got to my room and everyone walked in. As soon as I was about to close the door I heard a yell. "Wait wait wait.....wait for me." George yelled running up the stairs. Before I Could say a word, he ran through my door and jumped on top of my bed. "Really Gorgie?" Fred said shaking his head in disappointment. Everyone was giggling including me. "Oh shut up, everyone was coming up here in secret, I wanted to be included......hey, your bed is comfortable val, no wonder Freddie likes to sleep in here." George said making himself comfortable as possible. My checks turned bright red out of embarrassing. I could see Fred's trying to hold a smirk in. Hermione looked at me slightly giggling to George's words, Ron just looked horrified knowing me and Fred slept together, and Harry....just stood there...

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