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I want to tell you how much I freaking miss you, but the world will never let me. I was stuck in the dark, nowhere to be found. I need your loving hands to comfort me, but you will never notice my pain. I want you to wipe my tears away, but you are the reason why I'm crying together with the rain. I'm still waiting for you, my love.


Italic (Haruto)

"Junghwan-ah, why are you smiling like an idiot again?" Park Jeongwoo hyung asks, pulling my ear.

Earlier, I had a small talk with my closest friend about his project on chemistry. Then he heard my tummy growls, he even chuckled.

"You should've ate your breakfast first before you went to school." He mutters with a giggle that I would love to hear every day. He slowly brushes the tip of my hair that cover are covering my eyes.

My mom never cooked breakfasts for me, she's always busy on her work as a staff of YGE. I don't know why, but she's always been mad at me. My father left us for another woman, my mom would always say such things to me that goes beyond my expectations. She would even call me a bastard, 'cause my parents are just a one night stand and that brought me to this world.

My dad was a married man until he went to a bar, he met my mom there. She was a dancer back then, my dad was definitely drunk that time and a mistake happened. I was a damn mistake.

The only people who could give me comfort are Jeongwoo hyung, Jihoonie hyung, Yoshi-san and Haru.

"Alright, let's go. A baby like you needs to eat." Haru mutters, pulling me. I'm glad that we're still outside the school but damn, it's already 8:00 am. He's excitedly pulling me like he was the one who's hungry to eat.

We're now inside a convenience store, he pulled me to sit on the chair and went to the corner of the store looking at something.

I glanced at my notebook and read for a while. I have a quiz later on the afternoon.

While reading about the cell division, someone held my shoulder that made me flinch. Gosh, it was Haru.

"Here's your breakfast, baby. Eat well." He sweetly said and gave me a box of donuts and milk. So, why he's addressing me as a baby?

I suck at mathematics. I still remember the day when I'm solving a math problem last month. I'm having a mental breakdown, I can't solve the freaking math problem! Then he called me cry baby, I was mad that time, I whined like a kid and even yell tantrums.

"You're such a baby, let me help you." He insists, making me pout. I need to solve it on my own, how will I learn if someone solve it for me? hmp.

"Andwaeee, I should solve it on my own, b-but it's too difficult!" I whined again, then he hugs me while chuckling.

"You're so cute, Hwanie. Don't worry, I will just teach you how to solve that. Once you learned, I will let you solve it on your own." He told me, brushing my hair. I nodded with a pout.

He teaches me step by step, he was great at teaching! My teachers would probably found jobless if he took their positions.

He's so close, I could even hear and feel his breath on my neck. He would giggle if I inch my self away, then he will pull me closer. I only rolled my eyes to prevent myself on blushing that could be another chapter of his teasing again.

"Do you understand it now, Hwanie?" He asks with a smile while looking at me, then I nodded. Thankfully, it did not lead to depression. Why do we need to learn those math formulas? Do we need to count the stars in astronomy? Do we need to divide the patients in the hospital? Do we need to multiply the population of the people on the world? Do we need to buy 45 watermelons and 80kg of apples? Wah, mathematics should be banned hmp!

"Baby, I said eat." Haru mutters that brought me back to present. He opened the box of donuts, he wants to feed me. I panicked, I don't know what to do! I tried to snatch it away from his hand yet he refused. In the end, he feed me. He even had a bite at my donut, he's really stupid.

"JUNGHWAN-AH!" Jeongwoo hyung shouted, we're still inside our classroom. It's our physical education class.

"S-sorry" I muttered, showing a peace sign. Gosh, I'm still thinking of about Haru. He's so kind and gentle to me, what a prince charming.

"SO JUNGHWAN, PARK JEONGWOO, detention room, now!" Our teacher yelled, whyyy? We did not even made any noise! This teacher is crazy, Haru should replace her!

Well, we got punished. We're now cleaning the hallway. When I'm about to lift the two trashbins, someone held the other one.

Damn, it was Haru again. He handsomely grinned at me, then we lift the bins and gave the trash to the garbage collector. We came back and greeted by the loud voice of Jeongwoo hyung.

"YAH! THIS IS SUCH A BETRAYAL! YOU LEFT YOUR FRIEND HERE FOR A JAPANESE!" Jeongwoo hyung shouted making Haru chuckle.


Would you ever give me a chance to hear your laughs again this time? Can we still go back and continue our story? Please.

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