We got into the car and I could hear the music from down the road.

"Good lord, this is gonna be fun." I said taking Datrie from Caroline's lap.

"Did you put the spell over her eyes?"

"Yeah, I did it when we got into the car. Dont want your eyes to get hurt from flashing lights!" I said with a smile, Datrie smiled and it made me laugh. She was playing with the fluff of my dress, balling it up in her fists and pulling on it.

"Dont get blood on your dress." Caroline reminded me.

"I'll try. You put me in a room with a bunch of people who are compelled, they are all drunk and partying, I havent had fresh, warm, human blood in forever. You asking me that is like asking Datrie not to cry after blood, it rarely doesn't happen." I said looking at her.

"At least its black." She chuckled, then we pulled into the bar. I loved the fact that I was getting married in a bar.

"You sure you dont want me to walk you down?" She asked.

"Yeah, I can do it myself. Just go in and text me when I can come in." I said, she nodded. She walked in and i stood there for a few minutes until someone linked their arm through mine, I looked up.

"Kol?!" I said hugging him.

"Why are you here!" I asked.

"Youd really think we wouldnt come to your special day?" Klaus asked from behind him, I smiled and he hugged me.

"You guys aren't supposed to be here!"

"Lynette darling, you know you've had us wrapped around your finger since your mum died and we met you." Kol said, he leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"Hows Elijah?" I asked.

"Hes not important right now. What's important is you, we are staying and we'll walk you down the aisle. Where is it anyway?" Klaus asked.

"Its in the bar, Nik." I said setting my hand on his chest.

"In the bar! At least we know you haven't changed since the little one." Kol stated.

"You know about Datrie?" I asked.

"Yes, we were just standing around the corner and saw you with the little one." Klaus said circling me, he stood on my left and linked his arm through mine, and Kol did the same at my right.

"Hows Caroline?" He asked.

"Pregnant." I said looking up at him, then my phone buzzed.

'Carter come in, we are waiting for you to walk in.'

"I know, shocker. As much fun as it is talking to you boys, I need to get married."

"In a bar, Lynette?" Klaus asked.

"Brother, if you have a problem with it go sit down next to the love of your life while I walk our girl to her new love." Kol said pulling me into him, I giggled and Klaus wrapped his arm in mine again and started walking.

The three of us walked in a line, Klaus opened the door and all eyes looked at us as my favorite Mikaelsons walked me down to Malachai. I smiled as we glided down toward the altar. They let my arms free and stood behind where I stood, then the reverend started to speak.

"Welcome friends and family on this magical evening, to the wedding of Kai Parker and Carter Lynette. Kai and Carter have prepared their own vows." The man said.

"Carter, when I found you laying on the floor inside of an empty universe with just us, I found a whole new hope. I found a perfect partner in you. I found love, affection, and protection in you. I found possessiveness, madness, passion and insanity in your love. I found recognition and respect in you, I found life, reason and depth in you. I found a reason to smile, a reason for my existence, and I found a reason to wake up every morning. I found new dimensions about my life. And finally, as if it wasnt enough, I found myself shine through the brightest parts in you. And through all these things I found, I promise to be your best friend and to have your back no matter what. To let you fight your own battles but to tap in whenever you need me. I promise to always share the covers and leave some hot water for you. To make sure I'm not just hungry before I yell. I promise to try new things and to your hand every single chance I get. To promise to defend you against others, even if you are wrong. And above all else, I promise to put your happiness before mine, for your happiness is my happiness. Because of you, I laugh and I smile and I dare more than I ever have before. I thank your friends for doing the things they did otherwise I would've never met you. You are and always will be the love of my life, my best friend, and my person. For the rest of our eternity." He said holding my hands, the tears that filled my eyes drained against my cheeks. He put a band on my finger and kissed my cheek.

"Oh god, that was good." I said with a chuckle, the crowd chuckled as well. "Ok, today I make the most important promise a heart can make to another.
Today and for the rest of our todays I vow to be your love and your constant support, to be your devoted partner in life. To allow myself to grow through your undying love for me. I vow to be your home, to be your comfort and calm. To have faith when our journey is effortless and when it is challenging. And when you face adversity, you will never do so alone. I can't promise that the dark clouds will never hover over our lives, or that it will always bring rainbows and sunshine to us. I cant promise you that Tomorrow life will be perfect and easy. But I can promise you my everlasting devotion, my loyalty and my respect. I can promise you my unconditional love for all the life times we will have. I can promise you that I will always be there for you, to listen when you need to be heard, to be the shoulder you need to cry on and to be the hand you hold when you need it the most. I'll always do my best to make you smile and laugh when you're down and to make you feel loved. I can promise you that I'll help you through any crisis, dream with you, build with you, and always cheer you on and encourage you. I can promise that I'll willingly be your protector, your adviser, your counselor, your best friend, your family, your everything. So today I promise you, as my person and as my best friend. That I will never give up on us like I have in the past, I will always believe in us. And that I will love you completely, For the rest of our eternity." I smiled, the reverend announced a kiss and Malachai smiled. He placed his cold hands against my cheeks and I put my hands on his chest.

He kissed me and it felt the same as any other kiss his given me. It held the same meaning and love, it was all the same. And I wanted it to stay the same, him and I with our daughter was all I ever needed. I was finally at peace with my life, I just married the love of my life. Two of my favorite people showed up and stood behind me through all of my decisions like always. Me and Damon were best friends after everything that happened, and the girl I hated left town. I had everything I ever needed, everything I've ever wanted.

Then I woke up.

I woke up in Damon's room in the Salvatores house, my body looked younger and I didnt feel the same. I was laying down and Damon was leaning up against a wall with his arms crossed.

"I love abusing your hopes and dreams. And unlike that little story in your head, your not gonna tell." He said pushing off his weight and walking towards me.

"I'll change, Lynette. I will." He said kissing my forehead.

"I know... I love you Damon. I believe you can change." I spoke those words to please him, I hoped he could change like he did in my mind. He kissed me and walked away.

Then the reality set in. That was all a dream. A story. Simply just something I put inside my own head that he watched. Malachai wasn't real. I didnt have a daughter. None of that ever happened. All that happened was Damon hunting me down last night, me hiding in a closet and making all of that up and an escape from reality.

It wasnt real.

And that killed me inside and out more than the pain of Damon hurting me.

Never Apart (Always With Him sequel) Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now