All of My Life

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"Carter! Vows! Tell em to me, now!"

"They arent done, Care! I don't know what to say!"

"Ok... let me take Datrie, let's see if that will help. They need to be done by tomorrow. The wedding is in two days!"

"Yeah! I know Care! You tell me everyday!" I said handing her Datrie.

"Just... please cut me an apple, and I'll try and focus more, alright?" I said with a sigh and put my head in my hands. Someone came in and sat across from me, then I felt a foot touch mine and I looked up, Damon.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You need help?" He asked putting his hand out.

"No, I just really need to focus. How is he doing?"

"Hes done!"

"Hes done?!" I asked slamming my hands on the table.

"Carter! Calm your self." I heard Caroline say as she sliced the apple and set it on a paper towel.

"No, I lied. He hasn't even written one word yet."

"Well that makes me feel better," I said as Caroline set down the apple slices. She had Datrie on her back in a little carrier. "Thanks Care." I said and as she nodded and turned around I tickled Datries toes and she giggled.

"Carter, no. Damon, out. Go help Kai. She needs to focus on this otherwise shes going to stand up there in front of a bunch of people we compelled to come and get embarrassed."

"Ok Care, I think hes got the point." I nodded and they both got up and left.

It was just me, my apples, pen and paper for the next hour. The paper didnt soak in any ink until the hour mark hit when the lightbulb finally turned on.

Today I make the most important promise a heart can make to another.
Today and for the rest of our todays I vow to be your love and your constant support, to be your devoted partner in life.
To allow myself to grow through your undying love for me.
I vow to be your home, to be your comfort and calm.
To have faith when our journey is effortless and when it is challenging.
And when we face adversity, we will never do so alone.
I can't promise that the dark clouds will never hover over our lives,
Or that it will always bring rainbows and sunshine to us.
I cant promise you that Tomorrow life will be perfect and easy.
But I can promise you my everlasting devotion, my loyalty and my respect.
I can promise you my unconditional love for all the life times we will have.
I can promise you that I will always be there for you, to listen when you need to be heard, to be the shoulder you need to cry on and to be the hand you hold when you need it the most.
I'll always do my best to make you
smile and laugh when you're down
and to make you feel loved.
I can promise you that I'll help you through any crisis, dream with you, build with you, and always cheer you on and encourage you.
I can promise that I'll willingly be your protector, your adviser, your counselor, your best friend, your family, your everything.
So today I promise you, as my 'person'
And as my best friend.
That I will never give up on us like I have in the past, I will always believe in us.
And that I will love you completely,
For the rest of our eternity.

Never Apart (Always With Him sequel) Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now