Always Back Here

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I woke up in his arms this morning, I looked up and he fast asleep. I was listening to the birds chirp while I rubbed my thumb on his hand that I was holding.

This is how most mornings went, no matter where we were in the world. It was 6:30, which is normal time for me to wake up but far too early for him. I moved from my back to my belly, put my knees up towards me and moved his dead hands on my ass. Must've woken him up because when I did he squeezed and we both chuckled.

"Good morning Love." I said to him.

"Good morning Car. How'd you sleep?" He asked slightly opening his eyes.

"Always amazing in your arms." I said with a smile, leaning up at him for a kiss.

"I never want to leave this. Can you promise me we can do this often? We only have a month left of this. " I asked and he sighed.

"Car... you know that if we go back home, we'll get caught up in all their problems and we'll never be able to leave again. But I can try to promise, ok? I'll try. Let's make this the best month out of all of them." He said, putting a soft kiss on my forehead.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"Its time for you to get a watch, m'love." I giggled and he sighed.

"Its 6:30."

"Okie dokie, good night Car I'm going back to bed."

"No but you cant go back to bed!" I said as I rolled off of him and onto my back beside him.

"Because when this baby comes, you'll have to be getting up in the middle of the night."

"Ugh, dont remind me." He said turning head to look at me, he smiled and turned to his side, placing his hand on my side.

"Let's go get coffee." He said quietly, I perked up and immediately sprung out of bed. I put on sweat pants and threw Kai a shirt. I grabbed our slippers and keys and we went to our car.

The nice thing about living above a bar was that we could have alcohol all the time, the bad thing about living over a bar was that I was going to have a baby and was obsessed with bourbon. See the problem? It was amazing before we found out, but ever since it's been a struggle trying not to drink. Kai and I made a deal that for as long as I cant drink, he'll try not to drink. Which probably wont last long.

We got into our truck and he started heading for the tiny little coffee shop down the drive. We got out and he grabbed my hand, stringing his fingers through mine.

"Hey! Regulars?" The lady at the front desk asked, we smiled and I nodded.

"Great! Itll be right out." Then she went into the back.

Every morning that we were here we always got coffee. I always got a vanilla bean iced coffee and he always got an iced caramel coffee. When we got our order we walked to our truck, Kai opening my door even though I could do it myself. When I got in my phone started ringing.

"Who is it?" He asked, I showed him my phone.

"We arent telling them yet, are we?" I shook my head no and he nodded, the I answered.


"Cartie, we need you and Parker home. Like, now."

"Why? What happened? What's going on Damon?"

"We have some serious Care Bear problems over here and she needs you. You've been ignoring us for the past month!" Kai heard and looked at me.

"I thought you said they've been ignoring you!" Kai said and I shushed him.

Never Apart (Always With Him sequel) Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now