* chapter seventy two *

Start from the beginning

"That is not a nice thing to say." Jimin grew angry for Jungkook, knowing the youngest had too kind of heart to get angry at one he loved. "That's not nice at all."

"Do you want to take a walk?" Yoongi held Jungkook's hand, noticing the tears on the edge of his eyes.

Jungkook nodded quickly and left the room before Yoongi could properly stand.

"You dick," Yoongi growled at Taehyung, pointing a menacing finger at him. "You better fucking apologize to him later." He turned to the presenter and bowed. "My apologies for my rude behavior and vulgar language. We are having a bit of a quarrel. Please continue without us. We'll be back in time."

The presenter bowed back, reassuring him all was well.

Hoseok watched as Yoongi chased after Jungkook, the door swinging shut. He sighed softly and stood up, grabbing Taehyung by the back of his shirt and dragging him out the opposite door.

"I'm sorry Sir." Hoseok smiled as he pushed Taehyung through the door. "We're having a bit of a therapy moment.
"Hey hey hey." Yoongi pulled Jungkook's pacing to a stop, holding his wrist so he would stop pinching himself, a nervous habit he had. "What is wrong Jungkook? What did Taehyung do?"

"H-he woke.." Jungkook tried to move his hands, tears streaming down his face as Taehyung's dark glare ran around his head, taunting him. "And C-cla.. Clad,, odd..."

"Breathe, breathe." Yoongi held Jungkook's face instead, his hands and Kook's wrist not doing anything to help. "Look me in the eyes and breathe with me. You can do it. We've done this before."

Jungkook's hands held onto Yoongi's sleeves, taking a breath with Yoongi, Yoongi nodding slowly as they kept on breathing until Jungkook had calmed down.

"Now, let's try again, with words, okay?" Yoongi asked calmly, Jungkook nodding several times, their hands dropping from each other. "Did Taehyung hit you?"

"No!" Jungkook's eyes widened, shaking his head quickly. "No no no no he would never do that no nothing like that happened I'm okay, I'm not hurt."

"Physically, you aren't." Yoongi corrected, Jungkook taking a shaky breath, looking to the side. "What did he do?"

"I didn't even do anything wrong." Jungkook shrugged, twisting his fingers. "He just,, well I woke him up from a nightmare, but he wasn't crying. He was like, angry-he was furious actually. At me! I think his nightmare is making him believe something that isn't true or something and .. well he was kind of upset last night that he and Claudette haven't had a moment,, but that is so silly so I kind of dismissed it."

'If that son of a bitch is throwing a fit over a kiss he will be sleeping outside for the next week.' Yoongi gritted his teeth, ready to explode on the inside, but keeping a calm physique for Jungkook. "Are you okay?"

"He just yelled a little." Jungkook looked down, hiding from Yoongi's stare. "I'm okay. C-Claudia bought me this." He reached inside of his sweatshirt, pulling out the necklace to show Yoongi. "She really cheered me up."

"That's very nice of her." Yoongi smiled, knowing the little story behind it without an explanation. "I suggest you try and talk with Taehyung and Claudette. I can be there if you want so he doesn't explode on you guys."

"I just don't want him scaring Claudia." Jungkook rubbed the back of his head, tucking the necklace back into his sweatshirt. "I really want this relationship thing to work."

"I know you do." Yoongi nodded, crossing his arms. "This is just one argument Jungkook. Couples have arguments, and they usually get through them. Have a little faith, okay?"

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