namjoon was sensitive to the fact their mom died without proper closure, the fact he had disregarded her in place of his father more often than not.

if he could turn back the clock he would; but that just wasn't feasible.

and namjoon had an analytic brain, one that was wired on hard facts and numbers, that extended into a dimension beyond feelings, "read the fucking graph taehyung."

"i don't want to read the graph namjoon!"

"read it."


jimin poked his head in, the signs of clenched teeth and tension thick, "everything okay in here?"

"he is impossible!" namjoon pointed to his brother who was distracted with the out of place hair strands.

"he is a jackass." taehyung stuck his tongue out, a childish act; he knew it.

"well he is ignorant and selfish." the oldest of the bunch was clearly frazzled, overwhelmed by the fight and angry at himself for being a part of it.

jimin interjected, "apologize and hug each other!"

"i would rather jump out of the window." taehyung clipped an earring in, a final touch.

"and i would also rather he jump out of a window."

"you don't mean that!" jimin scolded them both, grabbing each by the hand tugging them to the center of the bed.

the mattress dipped once they all sat, surrounded by warmth and mixed colognes, "what are you doing?" tae was snappy.

"apologize to one another." jimin's voice was stern, "taehyung, acknowledge that what you said was cruel and unreasonable and namjoon can you just give tae's ego a boost for two seconds."

both seemed hesitant to start, folded arms and stoic faces. taehyung caved first, he was younger and namjoon did deserve the respect. he was a good brother- most of the time, "joon, i'm sorry i have no interest in your stupid fucking graph."

"alright and that's my cue to go!" namjoon rose from the bed in a huff, "you know what? i hope your life of running around and taking pictures can afford you this lifestyle cause once i take over, i'll be sure your salary matches how much work you actually put in."

"you are so bitter; it's unbelievable! get out of my apartment! and take your stupid laptop, with the stupid graphs, and leave me alone!" tae chucked the computer into his arms, no care in the world for the fact that it held important files or was an expensive piece of equipment, "you are such a miserable person!"

namjoon knew tae wouldn't stop. he was in the midst of a tantrum, something that occurred occasionally. they both were guilty of it. he nodded apologetically at jimin before heading out the front door and far away from the scene that had just unfolded.

the blonde turned to the angry male who stood in front of the mirror trying to fix his appearance which was now adorned with rage, "want to elaborate on what that was about?"

taehyung felt his fists grip the edge of his dresser, "he's just so annoying! coming in here, acting like he owns me and my time and that i'm incapable of doing anything on my own."

"i really don't think that's what he meant."

"well, it's what he implied!"

"but you weren't exactly nice to him either?" jimin hated to be devil's advocate.

"what do you mean nice to him? he's older!" tae stomped his feet in defeat, "i love him so much that i just can't stand him sometimes! i don't want to disappoint him. maybe that's why it's easier just to avoid the whole... work situation."

"well then, you should tell him that! it would probably mean a lot of hear it from you."

"okay but can i do it tomorrow?"

"why wait?"

"because i have plans to get way too drunk and fuck the tattoo artist."

"you mean jungkook?"

"well i certainly won't be attempting to steal yoongi from you, now will i?"

jimin blushed at the comment, shades of pink on his porcelain cheeks as he thought of the older male, getting ready for some art installation. he'd probably use poetic words to describe pieces that were way out of jimin's depth and he'd adore every minute of it.

"let's go before i change my mind and opt for wallowing instead." tae urged the blonde out to the front, sliding into shoes and grabbing a coat in case a chill decided to creep in.

he felt a little anxious at the thought of seeing the stranger that seemed to show up everywhere. undeniably nervous that he'd make a fool of himself.

he wasn't exactly versed in fine art and he didn't share the same unforgettable charm that jimin possessed. it wouldn't be his intention to come off arrogant or brash...

unless of course jungkook liked it like that.

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