4. The Detention

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Violet left the classroom and headed towards the dungeons to speak to Slughorn. She never liked the dungeons, they were dark and cold and there was a constant feeling that someone was lurking behind you; also the walls were always slightly damp as though the Black Lake was actually seeping through - come to think of it Violet thought it was a very fitting place for the Slytherins to reside. She turned a corner and where she expected to find the door to the potions classroom she realised she had actually hit a dead end.

She was lost. Shit. She'd been at this school for six bloody years and she was lost. Hermione would never get lost.

Violet turned on her heel to retrace her steps and tried to remember the correct way to the potions classroom, but as she marched up the corridor she noticed a familiar flash of blonde hair turn the corner and started to head straight towards her.

Because the corridor was so dimly lit Violet managed to slip into an alcove without Malfoy spotting her and she intended to wait there until he had passed. The footsteps were getting increasingly louder and her pulse started rising.

She was torn. On the one hand she desperately wanted to smack Malfoy round the head and ask - no - demand why he had lied about her breaking his arm. But on the other hand his fury stricken gaze after she had touched him had set something alight inside of her, and made her never want to look into his eyes again.

She would never admit it to anyone but the way Malfoy looked at her yesterday terrified her, it was a look of pure and rage and hatred.

Violet was so lost in the thought of Malfoy's eyes that she didn't even notice when a bitterly cold hand firmly took a hold of her arm and dragged her out of the alcove. And there she was, unwillingly staring straight into those piercing silver eyes once again, although this time she couldn't find a single trace of the anger that was written across them yesterday.

"Gardner, what are you doing outside the Slytherin common room"

"I'm not I-"

"Yes you are" He turned her to face the tapestry on the opposite wall. It was a deep shade of green with silver thread weaving intricate patterns around the edge, and in the middle was a large silver and emerald serpent. The moment she stepped closer to inspect it two first year Slytherin's emerged through the tapestry, similarly to how you enter Platform 9 ¾. "You need to leave."

Violet had almost forgotten he was still standing behind her. "Actually I don't need to leave and you have no right to talk to me like that after the shit you pulled yesterday"

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean!" She responded in a severely sarcastic tone, "What I mean is that you faked a broken arm to get me in trouble."

"That had nothing to do with you" he scoffed, breaking eye contact.

"Well it definitely felt like it had something to do with me since I'm the one who got punished"

"That really sounds more like a you problem" Malfoy started to walk towards the common room.

"Malfoy! Hey! Don't you-" She instinctively went to grab his arm but he quickly swatted her hand away.

"I told you hands off" That fire behind his eyes started to burn again, as he took a few steps towards her and she in turn took a few steps back, regretting what she had just done. "What is your problem?"

"Leave me alone Malfoy."

"You never answered my question - what are you doing outside my common room?"

"I-" Her back was now flat against the wall as Malfoy slowly crept closer, "I was going to see Slughorn."

"But the potions classroom is down the left corridor from the stairs?" He questioned darting his gaze from one eye to the other. They were now so close that Malfoy's breath was disturbing the hair hanging in front of her face. "No. Don't tell me you were lost?"

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