Assembling The Team (Avengers 2012)

Start from the beginning

"And your actress buddy....she a spy too? They start that young?" Bruce points out to her, who replies quietly.

"I did..."

Then Y/N asks through his clenched teeth as his Mantra starts to glow from his red markings, ready for a fight if need be. "Who are you, lady?" She quickly answers.

"Natasha Romanoff." 

"Well, you're definitely not here to kill us. Considering how you so boastfully said that you can kill us without us knowing, but if you are indeed here to kill us, the big guy won't be too happy about it." Y/N says, pointing to Bruce, more specifically his other self.

"No no, I'm here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D." When she says this, Y/N immediately perks up. He has definitely heard of this organization, and what it does. He just doesn't want to believe it.

"So, this woman is here on behalf of this "S.H.I.E.L.D" group and she doesn't want to kill you both. There could be one thing that is the most logical answer." Asura says to Y/N telepathically, and the young boy agrees.

"They're recruiting us for something?" 

"Yes, I believe so. Just continue listening, they might be telling us more."

"S.H.I.E.L.D, how did they find us?" Bruce asks as soon as Asura and Y/N are done talking.

"We never lost you two, we just kept our distance. Even helped you keep some interested parties off your scent." She says, but hears a scoff from Y/N, who places his legs on the table.

"If that's the case, then you're doing horribly. We've encountered at least 5 parties within the span of 5 months, and I've had to keep Bruce from going Hulk and causing unwanted destruction." He says to her, and Bruce nods, vouching for him. "But still, why are you doing this?"

"Nick Fury seems to trust you both, mostly Dr. Banner. But now we need you two to come in."

"And what if we say no?" Bruce asks, hesitant to take this offer, and Natasha smirks at him, making Y/N seem like the third wheel in this situation.

"I'll persuade you." Y/N rolls his eyes as she say this before he asks her.

"What if Bruce's other side says no?"

"He's been more than a year without an incident. I don't think you want to break that streak, especially you, Y/N." She says to him, knowing full well that the young boy is basically like the Hulk that's human sized and has no sense of self-preservation, just like the green monster.

"Well...we don't  get what we want every time." Bruce says whilst rocking a makeshift cradle back and forth. Then Natasha takes out her phone as she continues speaking to the two of them.

"We are facing a global catastrophe, you two." 

This causes Bruce to chuckles, "Well, those I actively try to steer clear of. Y/N, on the other hand..." He trails off his sentence as he looks to his friend, whose eyes faintly flash to a pupilless white.

"Well, is this the global catastrophe you spoke about, Asura?" He asks telepathically.

"This is only the beginning to a much greater foe. If they are recruiting you to combat this, then you must accept their offer." Asura says strictly, making his pupil nod to himself.

Y/N is snapped of his thoughts when Natasha slides her phone with an image of a bright glowing cube on it. 

"This is the Tesseract." She starts off as Banner puts his glasses on and picks up the phone to look at it closer, then he gives it to Y/N who just gives it a glance before placing back on the table.

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