01/ Adventurous Awakening

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 Chapter 1

~ Adventurous Awakening ~

Bodies stirred where they were placed alongside each other. The noon sun brightened the massive room while a groan echoed through the empty halls.

Evelyn was the first to gain consciousness and started to open her eyes. Her whole body felt weak as she tried to use her arms to thrust herself up into a sitting position, putting most of her body weight to her elbows to uphold. Her head was spinning so much, it caused her a headache.

Where am I? She thought while surveying around with an unclear vision. That's when she realized. This is not my room! Where am I? Panic rushed over her. Blurred flashes of memories of last night's party hazed through her mind. She turned around to see both her best friends—Jazlyn and Symphony—knocked out right next to––oh no! Knocked out, as well, Alex and Xavier lay behind the two girls, whereas Luke was right beside her.

The ends of his ombre blonde hair hung over his eyes with a relaxed expression on his face. Evelyn thought he looked almost angelic. She smiled at the sight as she stretched a hand to move his hair but immediately slapped herself when the same recurring memory of that day slipped in. He's the one who betrayed her, not the other way around. He may look like an angel, but he is truly a coldhearted devil inside.

She forced his fairly good-looking face from her mind. Evelyn moved closer to her best friends and nudged them to wake up. Both Jazlyn and Symphony are known to be deep sleepers—Symphony being worse. Evelyn huffed in frustration as she shook them by the shoulders wildly.

Symphony groaned while Jazlyn muttered, "Five more minutes, Mum."

Evelyn leveled her eyes at them and shouted, "Wake up! Or I swear I'll duck you both in freezing ice-cold water."

They both reluctantly sat up, hating the cold. "What is wrong with you woman?" Symphony hissed at Evelyn.

"Get up, both of you. We are in a bit of a situation."

"Situation?" Jazlyn asked, rubbing her eyes, looking more awake than before. "Hold on, you guys did not sleep-over last night. Didn't we go home yesterday? What are you doing here?"

"Exactly. I don't know where we are." Evelyn said, surprising herself at how calm she sounded.

"What!" Both girls yelled, now thoroughly awake and aware.

"We didn't get... knocked up, right?" Symphony asked hesitantly. Jazlyn's honey-brown eyes widen to the size of saucers fearing for the worst. Fortunately, for the girls, Evelyn shook her head.

"I very much doubt so. By the way, you might want to turn around." They did as she said and looked around the room with enlarged eyes that grew wider as they fell on the three boys behind them.

Symphony cursed under her breath, still staring at the three boys.

"What time is it?" Jazlyn asked, fixing her curly brown hair that had stray pieces of hair sticking out of her low ponytail and fixed it up into a low bun.

Evelyn pulled up her left arm, relieved that her watch was still tightly wrapped around her left wrist. She never went anyplace without a watch, which includes attending a party. She looked at her digital watch that read '2:46' in the afternoon. Jazlyn peered over her shoulder to see and gasped.

"We were out that long?"

"Apparently." Evelyn sighed and directed her gaze back toward the boys. "Who wants to wake them up?"

All three girls exchanged glances before both Jazlyn and Evelyn screamed, "Not it."

Symphony glared at them and crawled closer to Alex, who out of them all is less likely to make a big deal. The other two girls watched with curiosity.

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