Shared Trauma

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It's 4 o clock when you arrive at the arcade.

You are tired from healing Eleven but you don't say, it would be annoying if you ruined their good moods.

You watch Max get a high score on dig-dug first thing.

"And that, y/n, is called pro gaming" She says with a smile.

"That's gnarly dudeee" Lucas says in a surfer accent.

Max laughs. It seemed it was some kind of inside joke.

You walk to see Will who was playing on galaga.

"Hey y/n." He says not taking his eyes of the screen.

"Hi, watcha playin" You ask.



"You don't know what Galaga is do you"

You look down at your feet and reply.. "Nope"

Will laughs and you join in.

He had given up on his game.

"What do you want to play now?" He asks.

"Do you want to do that really cringy dancing thing?" You ask.

When you had been here previously in the upside down, it was that machine that intrigued you the most.

"Oh my god y/n I hate you so much but sure"

You grin stupidly as you walk onto the extreme-dance-machine.

"What song?"

You flick through the endless crappy songs until you find the one.

Will didn't look so you surprise him with an absolute tune.

'Darlin you've got to let me know.'

'Should I stay or should I go'

You put your feet on the buttons in time with Will's.

It was such a basic girl thing to do but you didn't care. Dancing with your best friend was the only thing that you wanted to do. You smiled even more.

Lucas, Dustin and Max gathered around. El and Mike were clearly busy doing something else, probably romantic.

In fact, almost the whole arcade had gathered round since the song you selected was classed as '11/10' on the rating of trickiness.

Even though it was your first time you were clocking up a really high score.

'You've gotta let me knOOwww'

'Should I stay or should I go!'

The song finished and the others burst into applause. You blush but try to hide it.

"Not bad Byers" You say to him.

"Could say the same for you y/n" He replies, "Long way from Mirkwood right?"

You nod.


The results flash onto the screen. You high five Will. You really liked hanging out with him.

It was probably just..

Shared Trauma.

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