You killed her, You saved her

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Everyone sat around Eleven, you stood up by the doorframe . Her body was limp and she wasn't breathing.

"You killed her.." Mike shouts at you in anguish. He was crying.

The strange thing was his tears were vaporising in the extreme heat of the sauna. He was dehydrated and his eyes were red.

He ran at you and started hitting you repeatedly.

"You piece of shit I'll kill you, I'll kill you" He said with each punch.

You were in pain but you tried not to show it.

"Stop, Mike, she's the only one who can save Eleven, you know that too." Will pushes Mike away from you and holds him back, you knew what you had to do.

You think of the plants growing as you rest your palm upon her face. She looked so delicate and fragile as she lay there unmoving and not breathing still.

You put in more effort as you will her to breathe again. Repairing her brain and bruises. Blood dripped from your nose, it had never done that before. Maybe you were just trying to heal more than you'd ever done before. You could feel your brain vibrations becoming more and more intense.

Suddenly El sits up and begins to cough. She held a bewildered impression on her face.

You pull back, you were very tired. You almost feel like fainting but you manage to resist and focus on the thought that you actually saved someone's life and brought them back from the dead.


"007, I know that you don't have any mutations but we think that you may have an advanced immune system."

You were cold and stuck in a closed off office. There was a mirror opposite the table, you weren't dumb, you knew it was a two way mirror.

They could see you.

A man brought in a dead cat and lay it on the table in front of you.

"007, please bring this back to life" Echoed on the speakers.

That was impossible, you couldn't bring things back to life.

"007, If you fail to comply, there will be consequences" The speakers in the room were too loud.

You focus your mindset on healing the cat. You can feel your brainwaves pulsing. A drop of blood escaped your nose.

"Arghhhhh" You yell as you try your hardest but it was impossible.

Your mind flashes between images of green plants and you black out.


You had done the impossible.

Mike rushes down to her to help her. Everyone stares.

"El?" He says gently.

"M-Mike." She says weakly, she hugs him tight.

Lucas and Max hug too.

It leaves you, Dustin and Will and you smile at each other in appreciation.

"Who wants to go to the arcade now?" Max suggests.

"Never been to the arcade before" El says, she was still weak but she had an extremely strong willpower.

"Y/n. Have you been before?" Max asks looking back to you.

"Nope" you say.

"Okay fine then we have to go, it's an educational trip" She says.

"What, the education being 'learning how to get beaten at dig-dug" Dustin says raising his eyebrows at Max.

You all laugh, even El and Mike.

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