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When the meal finally finishes, you trudge downstairs and into the basement.

You TOTALLY didn't spend the whole meal trying to get Eleven to throw a plate across the room.

You were the last down there since you helped Mrs Wheeler clean up.

Besides you felt guilty that she prepared a massive roast dinner and you didn't help out in the slightest to prepare it.

After spending an eternity in the upside down, you had came up with some creative food ideas with only one ingredient so you would consider yourself a good cook.

"Hey guys, watcha talking about?"

"You actually." Max says.

"Oh cool, what about me?" You answer.

"When you took on that demogorgan like powwwww" Dustin over exaggerated.

You roll your eyes and sit on the sofa.

"Yes, we need to take down those monsters" El says.

"Okay so I'm guessing you and Will have had time to recap what you've missed." You say to Eleven.

"Yep!" Will says.

"Okay cool, what's the plan?"

"Well, whilst you were blacked out, we gathered the flame throwers to burn the crap out of the Russian Gate." Lucas says.

"Okay." Everyone's eyes were on you. What was going on? You decided that meant you should take charge.

"Well! We have no idea how many demogorgans we are facing but when I broke out I remember seeing about 7-10 so it's unpredictable but I say we burn the gate then hunt them down." You instruct.

"Sounds good to me" Mike says.

El nods.

Soon the whole party was murmuring signs of agreement.

You smile, you couldn't help it.

'I have friends, real friends!' You think.

"Hey erm Will," you ask, Will looks up, "do you recon I could borrow one of your brothers music players?"

"Yeah sure, I'll get you one later" he says.

"I didn't know you liked music" max says.

"I love it, it's literally all I am," you say before looking down "I've only really listened to one song though..."

"Hey it's fine y/n, my brother has some good music.. the clash," he smiles "do you remember?"

"Yep" you smile back at him.

You remembered the endless cringy songs you used to sing.

In a way you viewed Will as your little brother, in fact, you found it strange that the Byers family was literally your family.

El and Will.

You shake yourself out of your head and leave your thoughts behind.

"Alright! Who wants to go to the mall to watch a film orrr we can go to the arcade.." Max says.

"Errr, let's go watch a film" you say.

"Okay I'll call Steve" Dustin says.

'Does he ever stop calling Steve' you think.

Your pretty sure that everyone was thinking the same thing.

"Hey kids, I mean, I'm sorry I was listening to your campaign but I can drive you all to the Mall if you like" Mrs Wheeler says.

"Mommm, please don't listen next time but yeah a lift would be great" Mike says.

El giggles, you could see that she loved Mike in her eyes.

"Alright," Mike sighs, " get your stuff guys what do you want to see?"

"Back to the Future or the Breakfast Club." Lucas suggests.

"Okay let's do it" Dustin says, he was off the phone from Steve.

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