The New Party

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You wait in a booth with Max.

You were in McDonalds and were waiting for the 'party' to show up.

You had been waiting for what felt like forever, so long that you had fiddled with your jacket and jeans so much you knew all of the brand names.


A new customer waddled into the shop, a fat old lady.

You avert your eyes and look to the ground.

You just know you recognised her from somewhere.

You relax yourself, there was no way she could've recognised you.


A group of boys walk in.

One of which you recognise.

Max grins and goes to hug them all.

You just sit there awkwardly, smiling and waving.

Max budged along in her seat to allow the boys to sit next to her.

You kind of feel annoyed that no one wanted to sit next to you but you suppress that emotion and put on a huge warming smile.

"Hey I'm y/n! I've heard so much about you!"

"From max?" The dark haired boy asked.

He wore a look of confusion.You could tell that in his eyes he didn't want to be here.

"No, from Will of course!"

The dark haired boy's jaw dropped and so did the boy's with the strange teeth.

Lucas just sat there almost laughing at how taken aback the other boys are.

Just to put them out of the awkward situation, you explain to them your life story and tell them about your superpower as well.

They were still in awe of me but finally the strange-teeth-boy broke the silence.

"Hi I'm Dustin, pleasure to meet you, damn you make what we went through sound like a fairytale"

You smile and turn your head to the dark-haired-boy who had begun talking.

"Hi I'm Mike Wheeler"

"Cool" you reply.

This wasn't at all awkward. You lean back into your seat and hope Max starts talking really soon.

"So guys what do you wanna order?" Lucas asks.

Everyone takes there turn to list items on the menu but you just sit there unsure.

When the time comes you have no idea what to say.

"Y/n," Mike sighs, he was clearly sick of you already , "just try the Big Mac"

"Alright, I'll have a Big Mac!" You say to the waitress with a smile.

You think you may have pissed Mike off a bit.

The conversation flowed smoothly from there though.

Dustin bragged about his girlfriend knowing Planck's consonant.

Max talked about her new record on Dig Dug.

Lucas mentioned going on a date with Max at the posh restaurant down town.

Mike talked about calling Will and El 24/7.

You just say and listened most of the time, it was nice hearing voices. You never really appreciated them that much before.

When the food arrived Max suggested a toast.

"To the new party!!!"

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