~ C H A P T E R 8 ~

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I woke up in a dark, moist room that greatly resembled an isolated cell. My head throbbed immensely. My wrists were bound with thick ropes that were knotted so tightly I couldn't imagine slipping my hands out. What was worse though, was the overwhelming pain of betrayal swirling through my mind.

I had to fight to keep back tears. Ben, the person I had thought to be my closest friend, had completely ruined and most likely ended my life. A hot tear rolled down my cheek as I realized how much Ben had truly meant to me.

I started silently sobbing, and fell asleep, feeling worse than I had ever felt before.

When I woke up, nothing had changed. My hands were still bound, and I was in the same, moist room. I sat up. That's all I did. I just sat.

Eventually, a tall man came into the cell. He was wearing a very tidy uniform and had a thick accent when he spoke.

"Dylan Michelle is to be executed in two days' time for mass murder in this country." The man said, then left.

It was true then. I would die. I guess it was for the best. I didn't have anything to live for anyway. All my family was dead. The only people I thought still loved me were just using me for their own benefit. It hurt. If I died everything would be better.

The next two days seemed to pass slower than ever. I couldn't wait to die. I knew that if I survived no one would forgive me for some of the things I've done. I would never be able to do enough to erase it. I counted down the hours till I would be given the gift of death.

As the time loomed closer, however, a great fear started to fill my mind. I thought about it. It's true I didn't have many reasons to live, but the actual thought of death terrified me. It would give the person who had caused all this satisfaction. The thought angered me more than anything I ever knew.

It was the day of the execution. I hadn't eaten since my capture, so I was starving terrified. I cried to myself for a couple of hours. After everything that happened, this was how it ended?

The same man who had told me of my execution came in and undid the ropes on my wrists. He handcuffed my hands behind my back and marched me out of my cell into a different room.

After he had beat me, I was marched out the doors of the prison, and out onto the crowded streets. I was paraded up onto a small platform, where I was uncuffed, and my arms were retied above my head. The hate coming from the crowd was not at all subtle. They were throwing things at me and shouting at me from all over.

"Today," A loud voice began, "We gather to witness the execution of the mass murderer, Dylan Michelle." His voice rang in my ears, but I kept a straight face. I honestly didn't know how I felt. I wasn't happy, sad, or scared. I was just there. "Please welcome your executioner." He continued.

Footsteps escaped through the sound of the cheering just enough so I could hear them marching up the stairs. A man appeared in front of me who I knew all too well. It was my kidnapper.

"Miss me?" He said, smiling after seeing the shock on my face. "Speak up my love."

As soon as he said those words a wave of anger so insane boiled inside me that I swung my leg up and kicked him hard in the face. He stumbled off the platform, but quickly popped back up, his nose bleeding intensely. His face was filled with rage, and he slapped me hard in the face. I merely smiled.

"Let it begin." Said the announcer. Seemingly bored of the current situation.

The kidnapper smiled and walked around behind me. He pressed a long rifle against the back of my skull.

"For all those who died." The announcer said.

I heard a loud bang. The sound of a gunshot, and for a moment thought I would at any minute slump away dead. I turned back to see my kidnapper's face wide with shock, as he slumped away, unconscious. Behind him, stood a young man in a uniform, his hand gripping a rifle, the back end covered in blood. It was Ben.

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