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hello everyone!! i hope you guys enjoy this story, and i would like to clear some things up -

alex had said before that he did not care about fanfics with smut in them but since then i have learned that he has from some other people!
i am glad that i did not put any smut in the story before hand <3
also, the trauma in the story is based off of mine for the most part.
if you guys suggest anything, comment it!!
with that being said, enjoy the book!!
TW/// effects of depression, aggression, slight mention of eating disorder.

i wake up at about 7:30 am and head downstairs, my mom is already awake and making breakfast-

"what are you doing up so early sweetie?" she says to me in a sweet, calming baby voice.

"i just- woke up i guess, i didn't plan on getting up"

"oh honey! i made your favorite- blueberry pancakes!!"

blueberry pancakes alone are about 300 calories + the syrup she makes for it, it'd have to be about 600 and one meal? no.

"oh, i don't eat breakfast, i haven't eaten breakfast in 3 years mom"

"i know baby but ive noticed-" she was cut off

there was a knock from the door,

it was a kid from my school, alex.

me and him have been friends since like 3rd grade but became distant after 9th, and we got sorta close again.

"i'll get it"

i walk towards the door and greet the person

"alex? is something wrong?"

"oh no, i just wanted to ask you something and you weren't answering your phone so i came here to make sure you were okay" he said.

"oh im sorry, my phone has been dead for a while. i should've charged it, anyway, what was your question?"

"i was wondering if you wanted to hang out soon, like go somewhere maybe to eat or skate or something"

that sounds nice, i need a break from home.

"yeah sure! when do you want to go?"

"maybe later today? i mean if you're not busy, if you are, whenever you'd like"

"okay..." i say with a smile "let me go talk to my mom, you can come inside if you want to"

"okay thank you" he says while walking inside towards the den area

i walk away from alex and towards the kitchen,

"mom, my friend alex wants to hang out later today, im probably gonna go somewhere around lunch to night"

"y/n what? you just make plans without speaking to me first?"

"mom im 17 years old, im not 12 anymore, i graduate in 3 months and turn 18 in 2, i'll be fine."

she sighs heavily, "ok."

i walk away from my mom and go towards alex and sit next to him on the couch

"okay, what time to do you wanna go?"

"whatever time you want y/n, im free all day so whenever is good"

we spoke about what we were gonna do, when we were gonna do them, where etc;

"im gonna head out, ill come by and pick you up soon"



"can you stay here with me instead of going home, i mean you can but i'd like you to stay"

"yeah of course, is something wrong y/n?" he had a concerned look on his face

i asked him to stay because i enjoyed his company more than anybodys, he made me feel safe.
i don't know if he feels the same way about me of course in a friend way but still, he still wants to be around me so he's going to

"oh nothings wrong i just want you to stay"

"yeah ill stay"

we talked and hung out at my house for 6 hours before i started getting ready to leave, he helped me get ready since i am in a pretty bad mental state at the moment

"here, this jacket would look good with the shirt-"

i had taken off my top and i had my sports bra on, forgetting we were friends and he had never seen me like that in any way before

"holy shit y/n i didn't mean to look-"

"hahaha alex its fine" i laugh and put on the clothes that he picked out for me

"hey, when we get back, i can clean your room for you"

my room was horrible, also known as a depression room. there are dishes, laundry, blankets etc; everywhere. and i mean, everywhere.

"you dont have to"

"i want to"

"if you want to you can.. i'll feel bad because its my job to do i-"

he hugged me really tight and said "dont feel bad, i want to help you as much as i can, if that means cleaning your room to having to stay days with you to make sure you dont do anything you'll regret ill do it"

i literally bawled my eyes out. with my dad gone and my mom being constantly rude to me only when she wants to be nice, i don't get affection anymore.

"ayyy mamacita you want sum good?" alex said in a exaggerated mexican accent. he did that alot in 8th grade, he would constantly get in trouble for it.

"oh my god shut up" i said laughing.

"not until you stop crying bestfriend"

"WHAT." i said literally wheezing.

we talked for a little longer, then we had to go

"hurry up i made reservations for the skating rink" alex said.

"what? i- okay"

i hurry and put my shoes on, grab my bag, and head down stairs.

"where do you think you're going?!" my mom yells at me, startling me.

"....to hang out with alex?? i told you earlier that i was going."

"no you fucking didn't, but go ahead, go do what you want."


alex was behind me with his hands on my shoulders, staying silent.

we starting heading to the door and i look back at alex and he looked nervous.

"whats wrong" i whispered.

"what do you mean whats wrong? your mom."

"its fine, it happens alot with random stuff."

"it shouldnt-" he gets cut off by mom again.

"well i thought you were going? you're just standing there, leave now or dont go at all."

we rush out just because we didn't know what she could've done.

"well." he says.


"whats her problem?"

"literally everything but can we please not talk about it, and just go to the skating rink"

"yes mi amor"

i filled with butterflies, ive never been given attention like he's always given me. he was my everything, even though we weren't close, hes kept me going.

&quot;in another life time, mi amor.&quot; // quackityxreader fanfic // please read desc!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt