Chapter 12: The Ace Up Our Sleeve

Start from the beginning

Y/n: Hit me once more.

The card flew over to me and I didn't even look, neatly slotting it into my deck and placing all 5 cards face down on the table.

Y/n: I stand.

Jamie smirked widely and flipped her cards over, showing a king and jack. Stacy also showed her hand, displaying an ace and a 9.

Stacy: Oh for crying out loud. Of course since you're the dealer you win, this isn't fair.

Y/n: Hold your horses Stacy. I've not revealed my hand yet.

I flipped over my cards, proudly displaying a jack, a 6, 2 aces and a 2.

Jamie: What? You still lost to me since I'm the dealer.

Y/n: You sure? How many cards do I have?

Stacy: 5. Why is that important?

Y/n: Jamie, you're familiar with a 5 card Charlie right?

Jamie, instead of answering, flipped the box over and stormed off, kicking a few stools over in the process.

Y/n: Ah the 5 card Charlie, stay under 21 with 5 cards and I win. Now then, £200 isn't a bad profit if I do say so myself.

I blasted a finger gun at both Elizabeth and Stacy.

Y/n: And I do.

Elizabeth: But that was all luck. You couldn't have known what the next card was!

Y/n: Wrong again. It may not be legal in a match but since I've won, I can admit it. The secret technique was.......

Elizabeth and Stacy stared in anticipation, being joined by Jamie who wanted to know how I won.

Y/n:.........A cheeky bit of card counting.

I swaggered away and headed for the last hangar, being followed by the small mob of angry gamblers wanting their money back. I opened the shutter and walked in, turning on the lights to reveal a massive plane with a brown cover shielding it.

Jamie: Erm, what's this?

Y/n: This my friends, is our ace. The trump card I've always wanted to play. The B2 stealth bomber.

I yanked the tarp off, revealing a massive bomber masked in black matte paint.

Stacy: This is a bomber Y/n. It's not allowed per regulations.

Y/n: Surely you've figured out today's lesson. Think back to the card game we just had, what did I use?

Stacy: An ace.

Elizabeth: A cheating technique.

Jamie: Skill.

Y/n: All correct, except Elizabeth. You see, the rules specify that a plane is allowed to fly as long as it can reach subsonic speeds, and the B2 was specifically designed to fly at subsonic speeds. And I didn't cheat on the game, I just bent the rules to a point where it suited me. And when you complained it was already too late hehe.

I wore a proud grin while Elizabeth gave an annoyed grunt and crossed her arms. Jamie and Stacy were still confused.

Jamie: What about what we mentioned?

Y/n: Well skill is obvious but the ace well, it's my favourite card. Such an unpredictable and dangerous yet rewarding card. One wrong draw and your plan falls to pieces, but with skill there to stop that happening it eliminates the risk of failure. The B2 encompasses all of this. It is naturally camoflauged for recon and stealth, it is too high to hit or hear and with a skilled pilot, it is the most feared plane that can be used. We eliminate the risk and take Pravda by suprise, swiftly winning the match.

Stacy: But what about their Stalingrad tactic? They like to draw out their matches until the opponents either surrender or are too weak to fight effectively and are taken out.

Y/n: Then we prepare for a Blitzkrieg. The snow is not our ally and we don't want a Simo Häyhä situation. The Russians are in it for the long run so if we play into their hands we've already lost. We take them by suprise on the first day, then that gives us time to hunker down and adapt our strategy accordingly. We may have lost a pilot but we've gained a weapon and, in all honesty, I'd rather have this beauty than her back.

Nods of approval were shared and we retreated back into the school for shelter, bumping into the school council as they were preparing their tea.

Anzu: Ah, Y/n. Care to join us?

Y/n: I am hungry so I'll take you up on your offer. Can they join us too?

Momo: Sure, we always have leftovers so they're more than welcome.

Y/n: Perfect, we'll get comfortable while you guys do your thing.

I raced to the couch and flopped on, resting my head on a cushion as Miho wandered in.

Y/n: Ah Miho, just the person I needed to talk to. You remember what I told you earlier?

Miho: You said "Shoot down my jet. They won't be able to do that."

Y/n: I sure did, now look outside, to that hangar specifically.

Miho peered outside and spotted the B2 bomber, her eyes widening at my foreshadowing of events.

Miho: So that's what you meant. We'll have to adapt our strategy to encompass the B2 the-

I interrupted her, going over to the whiteboard and drawing a scuffed plane.

Y/n: No, the B2 is the strategy. We just have to adapt so it operates smoothly with your tanks. And don't worry, the bomber doesn't require a massive crew, only me. I don't know how they managed it to be honest, but right now, it's our best shot at smashing Pravda. A Blitzkrieg..............

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