𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂-𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻 ➳ Are you siding with the first prince?!

Start from the beginning

Why is he... Is the rumor between the first prince and crown prince not entirely true perhaps?

I involuntarily flinched when my eyes suddenly met the turqouise ones of the first prince. I shot him an inquisitive gaze, only to receive a subtle smile from him.

I unconsciously glanced to Ageon's way, only to see him already looking at me with a hard stare. I averted my gaze out of reflex as I suddenly felt a heavy pressure upon me. A prickling sensation spread all over my skin as uneasiness crawled up inside my heart as well as anger.

I do not like it.

The heavy silence continued to ensue until Deltix stepped up to speak. "I am fully aware that our presence is not entirely welcomed by my lady as we do not have an amicable relationship to begin with. However, I assure you that we only have the pure intention of improving the relationship between my lady and the crown prince as the prospective crown princess."

"Just as what his highness stated, I am merely a prospective crown princess so I do not see a reason why his highness have to go through such lengths as I am only just one of the many candidates. Shouldn't his highness, the crown prince, exert more effort into getting to know the other possible candidates?"

Deltix let out a small smile. "Indeed, you are right about that, my lady. You are only one of the candidates for the crown princess position. However, you are still considered as the most suitable candidate for the position. So, is it not natural that we prioritize the candidate who is the most suitable for the said position?"

I kept my mouth shut as I couldn't refute his words. The first prince was right. Even though I did manage to change my status from the crown prince's fiancée to a prospective fiancée, it wouldn't change the fact that I will still be the most suitable fit for the position. The kings's actions today delivered it very clearly to me.

So, even if I do forcefully let them go back to the royal palace with their own feet now, I highly doubt that the king will let go of this matter easily. I guess I have no choice, but to accept it.

"How long do your highness and his highness, the crown prince, plan to accompany me?" I should at least be aware of how long will they be doing this for, so I can at least prepare how long will I be putting up with them.

"If there is no such events that requires our immediate attention, then we will be accompanying the lady until the harvest festival. However, there is a high possibility that we might only be able to accompany the lady up until a month or two prior the harvest festival as our presence may be needed for the necessary preparations."

The first prince gave me a small smile as I count the remaining months before the harvest festival. 1...2...3...4...wait...! Is he telling me that I have to see their irksome faces every single day for god-knows-how-long hours for the whole period of 7 months?!

Dread filled my insides as I scrambled my brain in desperation. Hold on a minute, they said they might leave before the harvest festival so...maybe they will accompany me for around 5 months?

I mentally pulled my hair out of frustration. As if dealing with these two shitheads for two less months will make it any better!

Ah, shit. I really need to seriously start coming up with another plan to cleanly wipe off my damn name in the prospective crown princess list, or else, an even worse nightmare will come haunting me!

This fucking rotten luck of mine...!

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw a shadow loom over me. I glanced at the person in front of me, his back turned towards me. El?

"It is completely understandable that his highness, the crown prince, is going to spend some quite a long time with Alyn. However, I do not see the need for his highness, the first prince, to come accompany her also."

Listening to his words, I silently nodded in agreement. Elderon was right. If it was for the sole purpose of improving the relationship between that bastard and me, then the first prince's presence was not really required here.

Deltix seemed to contemplate Elderon's words for a short moment before letting out another smile.

"Well, Sir Goniuva is not wrong. However, am I not allowed to spend some time with my brother's possible fiancée? Wouldn't it be better if I get along well with Lady Amarizi sooner in case she were really to become my future sister-in-law?" He glanced at me, smiling, "don't you agree with me, my lady?"

This guy is so damn confusing! Aren't you the one who is adamant on telling me to keep my distance away from the crown prince?! What is this two-faced bastard planning to achieve?!

"I didn't know his highness has such a fickle mind," I blatantly shot back, offering him an amused smile. Deltix let out a soft chuckle. "Your words wound me, my lady."

"Is that so, your highness? Then, I hope his highness' gracious self will pardon me for my rudeness."

Deltix let out another chuckle before Elderon cut in to speak. "You can just spend more time with Alyn after she becomes the crown princess... That is, if she really do become one."

The once bearable atmosphere turned heavy again. I tried my best to keep my lips from curling upwards. As expected of my favorite character! I'm so proud of you!

"I guess that is for the future to tell."

Ageon glanced at Elderon as Elderon gave him a cold glare. Derrin glanced at Ageon with wary eyes while Deltix lips curled upwards, bobbing his head up and down in delight.

I stared at Ageon, blatantly giving him the stink eye, only to see him giving me a dubious smile.

You... Are you seriously siding with the first prince right now?!

A/N: AAAAH I'M BACK OMG ;-; IT'S SO GOOD TO BE BACK Y'ALL! I MISSED WRITING THESE DORKS SO MUCH. IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE WRITTEN A CHAPTER SO IDK IF THIS CHAPTER IS SATISFACTORY 😭 HOPEFULLY, I CAN PUBLISH ANOTHER CHAPTER NEXT WEEK AND SLOWLY REGAIN MY WEEKLY UPDATE 🤞 To those who patiently waited for this story to update, thank you so much for waiting and I'm extremely sorry for letting you wait for a very long time! Have good day loves! You guys are the best ❤️

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