Cheyenne Taylor Jade

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Name: Cheyenne Taylor Jade
Parents: Alison Elizabeth Jade(deceased) and Tyler Matthew Jade(deceased) Winona Kirk(adopted mom)
Best Friend: Jim Tiberius Kirk
Profession: Medical, combat, and engineering
Gifts: Both parents were test of some kind of new gift that they signed up for, so they can heal, protect, and fight with activating it, and having whatever color and design come onto their body (Ex. Alison= White, Tyler= Blue, and Cheyenne=Green), also there eye color becomes brighter(Ex. Alison=Brighter Brown, Tyler=Brighter Blue, and Cheyenne=Brighter Green) 
Background: Both parents died the day of her death, then was raised by Winona Kirk, Jim's mom, since George Kirk died on the same ship as both of her parents. So over the years, Jim and Cheyenne grew up together, doing all the stupid things together up until the 3rd year of Middle School when she became a Yankee, but she wasn't hurting people, only the people that were hurting people, but she gave that up in the 2nd year of High School because a close Yankee friend of her's wanted to stay out of trouble since the police wanted her. She also dated Jim sometime in High School, and she gave her V-Card to him(which was her first and last time), but after that, their friend ship has never changed.

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