3: Match Maker.

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"Look-look-look-look-look! It's my name! It's my name! With a star inside a butterfly and two hearts. And a spider." Star said, showing you her drawing.

*Before you can reply, Miss Skullnick slams a test paper on Star's desk, and she looks incredibly annoyed. She hands out test papers to the rest of the class.*

"As you can see, class, most of you have done a pathetic job." Miss Skullnick said.

"Not me! I got an "F" for "fantastic"!" Star said/yelled/shouted. You facepalm yet another time.

"That's an "F" for "fail"." Marco explained.

"Huh?" Star said, confused.

"What? You don't have tests on Mewni?" Marco said.

"Uh... So what grade did you get (Y/n)?" Star asked, avoiding Marco's question.

"I got a B-" You say.

"How about you Marco?" Star asked.

"Only the best grade you can get: A-plus with a smiley face." Marco said, you rolling your eyes.

You know... Maybe Marco and Jackie are made for eachother... You think.

"Ooh... I want the best one too!" Star said, standing up. 

*Star walks up to Miss Skullnick. Marco tries to stop her and fails.*

"Not a good idea Star." You warn her, but she doesn't listen.

"Oh, Miss Skullnick!" Star said.

*Miss Skullnick crushed the chalk she was writing with and turns towards Star while growling.*

"Hey, Skullzy! Can you please do me a teeny favor and turn my "F" into an "A"?" Star asked her.

"You're whining about a lousy grade? I finally got a guy with a boat, and he left me at the dock!" Miss Skullnick said.

"The dock?" You chip in, originally going up to them to get Star back to her seat.

"The dock isn't the important part!" Miss Skullnick snapped.

*Star nibbles on her wand, you look at her nervously.*

"I guess I'm doomed to dry land." Miss Skullnick said.

"I got it! I'll cast a spell to get you the perfect guy, and you can give me the perfect grade." Star said, you start panicking.

"What?!" Miss Skullnick said.

"Man Magnet..." Star started.

"Star! Don't---!" You try to stop her.

"...Love Storm!" Star finished.

Too late... You think.

*Congratulations! Miss Skullnick (Human) evolved into Miss Skullnick (Troll)!*

"Star, what did you do?!" Marco yells.

"I-I think I turned her into a troll." Star said.

"Star Butterfly rules!" Justin shouted, and the whole class, appart from you, Marco, Star, and Miss Skullnick, start cheering.

"I'm hideous!" Miss Skullnick said, after screaming.

"Quick, change her back!" You say.

"Oh, okay, yeah, right! *Star laughs nervously* Okay, yeah... Lightning Change Back!" Star said.

*Star, You, Marco, and Miss Skullnick vanish from the room, and appear in Star's room.*

"Huh. Where are we?" You and Star say, you more confused than Star.

Shooting for a Star. (Star x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum