chapter sixteen

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ava's pov.

it's been two months since i tried kill myself. all i remember now, is waking up in the hospital. my arm had over a dozen stitches, and my sister and marina were sleeping on the couch.

during my three days in the hospital, i saw about 5 different detectives. since keyvon contacted me, i had to tell them all what happened. part of his bail was that he could not have any sort of contact with me, but he broke that. so he had another warrant for him, but they haven't found him to this day.

after the three days in the regular hospital, the doctor decided to me to a mental hospital. i threw a fit, but i had no choice. i spent a month there, and it was awful, i hated every second of it. the food was gross, and everyone was nuts. my sister and marina came everyday, and it was almost an hour away, so that was okay.

i thought about billie everyday when i was in there. i knew she didn't care or love me, but i still did. she was the only thing that made me happy in the short period of time. but she did hurt me. and i told my sister and marina to never tell her where i was if she came by. i didn't want her to know i did this to myself. and as far as i know, she didn't come by anyways.

after i got out, i decided to go back to online school. everyone, like the detectives and doctors, said it was best for me because keyvon was not yet caught. i was back at step one. my anxiety was worse then before, i couldn't even be by myself, so marina talked her parents into online school as well, and she moved in with me and adry.

i got a brand new phone with a new number, so he couldn't call me. i thought about texting billie multiple times but i couldn't, too much time has past, and it wouldn't be good for me.

i still have her instagram, and she's posted a few things with jay. seems like they got serious. so i just decided to let it be. i had to move on.

i started talking to diana again here and there, we don't mention billie. she asked me about it once and i told her we don't talk anymore. we're honestly just friends, she's been here for me. she doesn't know what happened really, i just told her i went away for a few weeks.

i'm laying on the couch with marina, watching selena. we finished school for the day, and we were just waiting for adryana to get home. i've been home for about a month and i haven't left once, so marina convinced me to go out to eat at this diner tonight with her and adryana.

adryana gets home and sits next to us on the couch. "how was school todayyyy?" she says smiling, dragging out the y's.

i smile and shrug. "it wasn't bad, i finished the essay before thanksgiving break. "

marina nudges me. "your birthday is in a few av, what should we do?" she says with a big smile. it was my 18th so she wanted me to do something fun.

my birthday was November 28th, sometimes it falls on thanksgiving but this year it didn't. thanksgiving was on the 25th and it was the 23rd.

i shrug. "i don't know, i don't know if i'm ready to go out. but it's my 18th and i'll regret it if i do something fun." i say.

adryana gives me a soft smile. "we don't have to anything crazy. we can go to a fancy place for dinner, or like go karting." she says.

marina gives her a look. "i think the dinner is a go, but i say the club." she says, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

adryana slaps her thigh lightly. "rina she isn't ready-" she starts, but interrupt.

"i agree with rina. it's my 18th and i need
to stop being afraid." i say, smiling softly.

it was true. i needed to stop being afraid. it was my 18th birthday, and we didn't do anything fun for my sisters birthday because i was having panic attacks like crazy, it was right after keyvon stabbed me.

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