chapter four

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billies pov.

i walk in my front door and throw my bag down on the kitchen table and sit on the couch and sigh. i pull out my phone and see texts from jay and 3 other girls asking to chill. i groan and just throw my phone, i'm not in the mood for this shit.

"you okay bil? not looking too happy" my brother finneas says while walking down the stairs.

fin is the only person i trust in this world, after ma died, we struggled in foster care and that's where i met jah, jayvin, manny and shit. they made me. i was weak and they toughened me up. i was 14 when i joined mbg, a gang in lockfalls, where i grew up. we had a boss named ivan, but he got murdered a year back, but since he's died i've been the boss. when fin turned 18, he became my legal guardian and we moved out to brookhaven. all my boys followed me of course, so we are always out doing business. fin doesn't love that i sell drugs and involved with all this shit, but it pays our bills and money isn't the easiest without my lifestyle. he told me he'd stop bitching about it if i did one thing.

finish high school.

i didn't want to but for fin, i would. so i'm finishing this year at brookhaven high school.

people hear things about me but i shut it down easily.

i'm not proud of what i've done, but this is my life and i made this bed for myself and now i have to lay in it.

"yeah i'm good, these bitches blowing up my phone starting to piss me off" i chuckle.

"all the girls all over my sister huh? wow lucky you" fin laughs and goes to grab his keys. "i'm going out with claudia, i'll be back later." he says while walking out.

claudia is his girlfriend, she's the best. she keeps my brothers head above water, if he didn't have her, he'd lose his mind with me.

i go on my phone and start answering the texts i got during school. i have to go make some plays with jayvin. him and i are the only one who sell dope, the hard shit. only one i can trust with that shit.

i'm getting ready to leave and my mind drifts to ava and what i saw earlier. i shake my head and i go to my messages to see her name, my finger is hovering over the messages. i click it and start typing

me: yo
me: just let me know your ok?

i click sent and put my phone down. i cover my face in my hands and just mentally slap myself.

when i first saw ava i was intrigued immediately. her olive skin and light hair, it was done so perfectly and she looked so..i don't know. pure. she was dressed in a pink sweater and ripped jeans. she smelt like roses and the beach. i don't even know if that's a smell but i swear she smelt like it. she looked perfect. but i don't date. i never date. i trust no one. the girls i get with were my muse.

when i ran into her in the bathroom, she was petrified. i could tell she was fragile. something was off i couldn't put my finger on it. and when i yelled at her in lunch i just was angry, that wasn't a lie. my temper gets over me too often, i'm angry at so much shit. i'm mad at my mom for leaving us, my dad, so much shit.

then i happened to be on instagram when she liked my picture then unliked it. i didn't even know her name until i saw Ava DaSilva and i saw her face and knew. i had no idea why she did it but from there, i knew she was staying in my life for as long as i wanted her there.
when she came into the car today i was determined to get her wrapped around my finger. but she was difficult, stubborn. i said something and she immediately switched off and when i saw her cuts i turned into someone i haven't seen since my mom was alive. soft.

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