✧ One Last Letter ✧(Luke x Zander)

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25 minute writing challenge - I challenged myself to write something in 25 minutes and this is what I came up with :)

Dear Luke Peterson...

When I was five, my father left us.

I can still remember how my mother cursed at Fate. How for the next few days, the house was filled with her sobs of anguish. How I would lock myself in my room, not understanding anything, but yet know exactly what was going on. From that day... I swore to myself that I would never let Fate take advantage of me the way it took advantage of my mother. I would never allow my heart to be stolen by anyone.

That was... until you came along.

Do you remember when we first met?

I can tell you I do.

How could I ever forget?

It was on the first of September. The first day of school. When you and your crisp, caramel locks sat down next to me to keep me out of my solitude. When your golden eyes locked with my pale ones, and I felt just the smallest whisper brush my ears.

Hope. The whisper of hope, telling me that here was the person that would make everything alright. Here was the person that would make me happy. Whole. Luke.

And still, after all these years, I cannot believe that you,  you of all people... The kind, handsome boy that I have come to love after so long, you were the one that reached out to me... the new, freaky kid who always felt so out of place. You... You were my first friend.

And now, you've become so much more than that.

It didn't hit me until middle school. Did you feel it too? When we watched those fireworks shoot off into the sky, ablaze with fierce colours that lit up the whole town. It wasn't just the fireworks that were exploding, but my heart, too, was creating a series of explosions of its own.

Why couldn't I have told you sooner? Why did I have to wait for so long before telling you? Maybe then... We could've had more time. I always tried to convince myself that this feeling was something else. That I was just a nuisance to you, and just a childhood friend... 

But just being a childhood friend doesn't explain how my heart does a backflip whenever you enter the room. How there are days when all I want is just you and me. How every time I get lost in your eyes, or when your fingertips brush against mine, I get... scared. Scared that one day... I would lose you. I would lose the only person that I have ever cared so deeply for. Somehow, this day has come true.

Luke... You are the only exception. The only person I will ever allow my heart to be in the hands of, regardless of my promise to Fate. Yet promises are promises, and if I had known sooner, I wouldn't have done this. Knowing that our love is mutual makes me so happy, my heart could burst. But if this hadn't happened... Maybe it wouldn't hurt you so much. Hurt you to know what's happening to me.

What happened to me.

By the time you read this, Luke, I'm probably already dead. Earlier today, I overheard a conversation between my mother and step-father. Apparently... Something drastic happened when I visited the doctor last week, and I'm diagnosed with cancer. And it's too late. I have too little time.

When I heard those words, all my senses went numb, but all I could think about was you, and how little time I had in this world with you. So I wanted to write this letter.

I'm sorry, Luke. Sorry, because I'll never tell you about what's happening to me, and by the time you read this, I'll already be gone.

I can't hurt you any more than I already have. My last days want to be spent with you. Cheerful, happy, handsome Luke. Not worried, distressed-over-Zander-Luke. I can't imagine what it must be like for my family, knowing about this. I don't want you to suffer the same. Of the five hundred adolescents that die of cancer every year, I am one of them.

No words can describe how much I love and care for you, so I won't write them down. Instead, I ask you one last favour. To remember me. Think of me when your spirits are low, because I'll never be away from you. Always, I will be by your side. Even through death. That is a promise even Fate cannot take away from me.

With that... I thank you, Luke.


Zander Wickham

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